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Olmert’s Master Peace Plan With The PA (Palestinian Authority) – More Good Will

abbas.jpgIn his ongoing quest to take part in a signing ceremony prior to being booted out of office, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has offered PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) 93% of Yehuda and Shomron in addition to portions of the Negev.

Seeking to outdo his predecessors, the prime minister is offering the PA most of Yehuda and Shomron, barring a number of limited “settlement blocs”, for which the PA will receive most of the area throughout Yehuda & Shomron and a portion of the Negev, including free inhibited passage between Gaza, Yehuda and Shomron.

The Olmert plan would permit Maale Adumim and Gush Etzion to remain under Israeli control, as well as some other areas. What exactly the “other areas” includes is subject to speculation at present. The plan in essence seeks to establish the ‘final status’ agreement with the PA, which would map out new permanent borders for the State of Israel.

Perhaps in a move believed to be a patriotic step, Olmert’s plan would permit free construction in the settlement blocs, which in essence will become modern-day ghettos in predominately PA-controlled areas.

Of course Olmert address the matter of compensating residents, stressing those leaving their homes voluntarily would receive preferential treatment. Those unwilling to leave on their own would be taken out in stage two of the plan.

At present, the last recipients of a government relocation plan, the Gazan Jewish community, for the most part remain displaced as they marked three years since leaving their homes.

Implementation of the master plan, which is the fruit of Olmert’s Annapolis Conference, is contingent on Abu Mazen retaking control of Gaza, which is now under Hamas control.

For his generosity, permitting Israel to retain 7% of Yehuda and Shomron, Abu Mazen would be given a portion of the Negev, the area closest to Gaza, which would then permit a direct link between Gaza and the “West Bank”, thereby enabling PA residents to travel unimpeded between the two areas, without any Israeli security checks or intervention of any kind.

Simultaneously, Israel has presented Abu Mazen and the US administration with a document detailing new security realities, a plan designed by Major-General Ido Nehushtan, now the air force commander. The plan was designed during his tenure as chief of the IDF’s Planning & Policy Division. One major point of the plan states the Palestinian state must be a demilitarized one, without an army.

In actuality, this is a moot point since today, the PA does not have an “army” but does maintain a police force with armored vehicles, automatic weapons and so-forth. The Oslo Agreement signed in 1993 also stated the PA must remain demilitarized.

While the Olmert plan does make limited provisions for “unification” of so-called “Palestinian refugees”, for the most part, it rejects PA demands for a right of return. 

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Flailing his hands wildly while going down drowning, he offers the enemy more than they were ever offered even after they traded bones for live terrorists.
    Why will they allow him to do this even after he openly said he will resign in a few weeks?
    Here in America, we even have a term for someone in his position. We would call him, “a lame duck.”

  2. At least there is one to depend on, ABBAS will once again say NO,NO! All of the territory up to the 1947 borders and ‘right of return’ or the fight is still on Hamas can make a game and give PA Gaza for a short time while Olmert begins a disengagement.
    Does anyone realize how many people live in Ariel, Betair, Efrat, Bet El, Kiryat sefer, just to mention a few of the largest settlements that will be outside of the 93%?

  3. Hashem watches over fools and idiots and saves us through the hands of our enenmies

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has rejected an Israeli peace proposal because it does not provide for a contiguous Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, Abbas’ office said on Tuesday.
    Nabil Abu Rdainah, Abbas’ spokesman, told the official WAFA news agency Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s plan showed a “lack of seriousness.”

  4. This double-crossing traitor should be put behind bars at the least!
    The courts must label him AS A TRAITOR and hang him.
    But, the leftist pigs running the courts would only arrest those who oppose this suicidal pact!
    Wait till Moshiach comes and all these Reshaim get placed in Gehinnom. Hashem will allow this Gehinnom to remain forever, in order to punish ALL these infidels, forever and ever!

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