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Pensioners Threatening to Leave the Coalition Over Funding Issue

Members of the Pensioners Party have warned against planned 2009 budget cuts of funds for the nation’s elderly, stating the party will break away from the coalition government if the budget is approved.

Party leader Yisrael Galantee has announced if NIS 250 million is not added to the 2009 budget, his party will be moving to the benches of the opposition.

“It is a non-starter to propose cutting NIS 250 million in senior citizen spending in the 2009 budget when that sum and more are part of the coalition agreement signed with the party in 2007” Galantee explained.

“Until such time the finance minister announces he has amended the proposed budget, the Pensioners Party sees no need to convene budgetary discussion meetings” the statement read.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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