“Day of Shopping” Interrupted by Kassam Rocket Attack

As southern Israeli residents enjoyed day 54 of the Gaza ceasefire, a day marked as “A Day of Shopping” aimed at encouraging Sderot residents to come out of their homes and begin living a life void of rocket attacks, a Kassam rocket slammed down in the city. The rocket landed on Aliyah Street, resulting in light damage to a shul. The attack followed a rocket attack on Shabbos afternoon, which was ignored by the government.

For the first time in a very long time, hundreds of shoppers were in the area shopping center when the Red Alert signaled an incoming rocket, catching many residents by surprise. Fortunately, there were no injuries.

As a result of the attack, Israel announced all Gaza crossings will remain closed for one day after which time the situation will be reevaluated.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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