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Kadima Primary Election Heating Up

On Monday, Minister Ze’ev Boim and MK Ronit Tirosh announced their support for Shaul Mofaz in the party leadership race. On Tuesday, senior Kadima official Tzachi Hanegbi is announcing his support for Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, in her bid for the party leadership position. Also supporting Livni is Finance Minister Bar-On.

On Tuesday, Public Security Minister Avi Dichter will officially announce his candidacy, joining the race for the top party position. Dichter’s campaign slogan reads, “Dichter, Better than Mofaz and more suited than Livni”.

According to polls to date, the only realistic candidates in the race are Livni and Mofaz. Livni has been maintaining a fluctuating lead.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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