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Israel: Illegal Ramle Building Razed After 7 Years

It took the City of Ramle seven years, but on Monday, a three-story illegal building constructed on state land was torn down. The building was constructed without permits, on government-owned land, but nevertheless, it took seven years of court battles until City Hall and the Israel Lands Administration received a green light to level the structure.

Over 100 police were on hand, closing down the neighborhood, fearing violence as the bulldozer took up position to carry out its mission. The process started by removing the illegal tenants, then removing their possessions, and finally, permitting the bulldozer to begin knocking down the structure. There were no reports of violence.

Ehud Gavrieli of the Israel Lands Administration stated the government body will not tolerate illegal construction on government-owned land.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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