AHEAD OF YAMIM NORAIM: HaMashgiach HaRav Don Segal On Chizzuk Visit In US

HaMashgiach HaRav Don Segal flew last week to the US for a chizzuk visit ahead of the Yamim Noraim.

HaRav Segal first went to Lakewood, where he addressed thousands of Bnei Torah. The Mashgiach spoke words of chizzuk for Elul, saying that in a Beis Din on earth, there are two sides, one right and one wrong. But in the Beis Din above, there aren’t two sides – the viewpoint of Shamayim is always to find the tzidkus – even if a person is chas v’chalilah on a path of rishus, Hashem’s ratzon is for the person to become a tzaddik. Therefore Hashem, in His great mercy and chessed, gave us these days of kedushah every year because Shamayim desires our tzidukus – out of HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s great love for us – Ani L’Dodi V’Dodi Li.

“And a person himself should also have this viewpoint, to finds the tzidkus within him,” HaRav Segal said. “These days of elevation are in order for a person to uplift himself, to introspect and find his positive points, the goodness within, and utilize it as the foundation for a new year, a foundation of spiritual elevation.”

The Mashgiach spent Shabbos in Boro Park with many close talmidim and then traveled on Sunday to Monsey, where thousands flocked to hear his words. On Monday, thousands of yeshivah bochurim from dozens of mesivtos in Lakewood gathered to hear the Mashigach’s divrei chizzuk. On Tuesday, the Mashgiach traveled to Cleveland, where the residents gathered at Telz Yeshivah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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