100s of Israeli Stranded in Georgia, El Al Dispatches Two Flights

elal5.jpgAn exchange of finger-pointing between Arkia Airlines and the Israel Foreign Ministry is doing nothing to relieve the growing anxiety of hundreds of Israelis stranded in Georgia, awaiting a flight to bring them back to Tel Aviv.

A number of the Israelis spoke with Israel news, attempting to relay their fears, pointing to the situation, which they insist in becoming increasingly perilous by the moment.

Back at home in Israel, Gideon Cohen is calling the Foreign Ministry’s handling of the affair “a disgrace,” pointing a finger of blame at Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who has not declared a state of emergency.

Foreign Ministry officials insist that none of the Israelis are in life-threatening danger.

Meital Geva, one of the Israeli tourists stranded in Georgia is questioning why Israel has not yet made a decision to send a rescue team to extricate them from the midst of the warfare, which she too insists is becoming more intense by the moment.

As of this posting, two El AL planes are scheduled to fly and rescue some 230 Israeli tourists and businessmen stranded in Georgia on Tuesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. its the governments responsobility to bring back its people…. gush katif ….sederot….. georgia … do they care about its people?????

  2. “pointing a finger of blame at Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who has not declared a state of emergency”.
    TZIPI is too busy getting ready to be the worst PM of the state of Israel, to worry her blonde locks about the sorry state of Jews in the world. She once said, the Jews of Gaza will thank me one day for the disengagement, she is DELUSIONARY..

  3. When will our government learn? Just when Russia is backing away from us, they supply Georgia with weapons, to provoke Russia to start yet another war in the world. And then Bush and all those other people get up and say,”I call on Russia to seize its attacks on Georgia.”

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