REVEALED AS A JEW: After Serving As A ‘Shabbos Goy’ For 30 Years

A man who served as a “Shabbos Goy” for 30 years on a religious yishuv was revealed as a Jew after his recent death, Arutz Sheva reported.

HaRav Eliyahu Maimon, director of the Judaism Investigation Division at the Beis Din, explained. “The Chevra Kadisha contacted us and after investigating, we discovered that he indeed is a Jew.”

“He was actually registered a Jew but in that particular community, for whatever reason, he claimed that he was a goy. The Chevra Kadisha didn’t want to bury him as a Jew because they thought he was, as stated, a goy. But his family insisted he was Jewish and we investigated, checking numerous documents. In this case, the documents showed quite clearly that he was Jewish and we didn’t need any more proof such as genetic tests or other evidence. He was buried in the community’s Jewish cemetery.”

“By the way, often people come to us whose Teudat Zehut says they’re not Jewish but our tests show that they are, and vice versa. Israel’s Interior Ministry relies on the Law of Return and often it isn’t sufficient for the purpose of ascertaining the applicant’s Jewishness.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. More serious implications if someone arranged their מכירת-חמץ with him, that the pictured light switch even on שבת יום-הכיפורים

  2. More serious implications if someone arranged their מכירת-חמץ with him, than the pictured light switch even on שבת יום-הכיפורים

  3. Poor man. So tragic how he fooled people for years up until his death. In the World of Truth where the Heavenly court resides, all deception is revealed- and now it is also known in this World of Lies.
    May we take this as a lesson in Elul: let’s not fool ourselves! All is revealed above and the Books of Life and Death will soon be opened in the Heavenly Tribunal. There is no faking it there, and here, too, the facade is ever so thin. Let’s learn a lesson from this sad story and at least not lie to ourselves.

  4. @somejewiknow, wow, B”H the Abishter shows more compassion to us than you do. I guess Elul and the upcoming Rosh Hashana and Y”K mean nothing to you.

  5. The word Shabbos Goi is not a Halachik term and its usage can lead to many laxities in Hachos shabbos. There are very few instances (that are complicated) where one is allowed to ask for a melachas Akum. Unfortunately, ofter we take this subject very lightly.

  6. The word Shabbos Goi is not a Halachic term and its usage can lead to many laxities in Hachos shabbos. There are very few instances (that are complicated) where one is allowed to ask for a melachas Akum. Unfortunately, often we take this subject very lightly.

  7. The term Shabbos Goi is not a Halachick Terminology. These Halachos are very complicated and in very few instances a person is permitted to ask a Goi perform a Melach a for him. I am talking in general without knowing the specifics of this famed Yeshiva. Using this terminology leads to many laxities in keeping shabbos properly

  8. @ 147 – Isn’t חמץ שעבר עליו הפסח a דרבנן as is אמירה לעכו”ם? Why should one be worse than the other?

  9. @ 147 – Isn’t חמץ שעבר עליו הפסח a דרבנן as is אמירה לעכו”ם? Why should one be worse than the other? Selling ones חמץ did not permit him to eat it. So why should it be worse?

  10. Boruch Dayan Haemes.

    So sad to hear this after so many years of chillul Shabbos of others turning to him for help. Let’s learn immediately today that in today’s corrupt generation you simply can’t trust ANYONE and it’s very sad what has happened to what was once such a beautiful world. When did we stop appreciating everything Hashem gives us and instead just take it all for granted but even take it a level worse and lower of lowering ourselves into dishonesty and corruption?…..

    1)today sadly you can even trust your closest relative or friends. They can ask you to please lend them 25K for a upcoming family Simcha and will pay you back after the Simcha on a payment plan and then after the Simcha just simply and sounding innocent say in so sorry I just don’t have the money cause I still need to pay all my children tuition and other large bills and leave you the Chessed money lender to foot the loss and just forget about you. And every time you approach them they will keep telling you other excuses why they don’t have money to pay you back for doing such a Chessed of helping them with their family Simcha.

    2)a very close friend will ask you to chip in together with him on a partnership business investment and then tell you that the investment went bad when in truth it really was all used up behind your back for him to go on vacation and never even used for a partnership business investment.

    Many other examples……

    Very sad what a corrupt generation we are living in today.

  11. More serious implications if someone arranged their מכירת-חמץ with him, that the pictured light switch even on שבת יום-הכיפורים
    Does not sound right …..

  12. “Served as a Shabbos Goy”

    Disgusting how it’s so hard for Jews to keep Shabbat that we need an official Shabbat Goy to “serve” and do Melacha for us. Ugh! Stop relying on loopholes and follow the actual Torah.

  13. Sam Klein
    Very sad how you became just a distrustful and cynical person because of one or two bad apples you cast doubt on an entire generation of good Jews. Even sadder is your bad attitude that everyone else is to blame for your cynicism.

  14. If one sells their chometz to a Jew based on the Jew claiming he’s a gentile, the sale is void an initio, meaning the seller owned chametz on Pesach, a midioraisa prohibition, albeit bi’oneis. When someone uses a Jew for a melacha that a gentile would be allowed to do for him he transgresses a dirabanan, albeit bi’oneis. Of course the chametz sale situation is worse.

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