Bnei Brak Rabbanim Warn: “Don’t Be Dragged Into Conflict With Protesters”

Bnei Brak Rabbanim published a letter ahead of the planned provocative women’s march in the city on Thursday evening, during which main streets will closed off for five hours on the busiest night of the week.

The letter, signed by Rabbanim HaRav Yitzchak Chaim Issac Landau, HaRav Shevach Rosenblatt, and HaRav Masoud Ben-Shimon states: “Unfortunately, people from outside the city have stirred themselves to hold protests on our streets and make their voices loudly heard in mockery against the those who are Shomrei Torah V’Mitzvos and against tznius and kedushah.”

“We are turning to the entire public, men, women, and children – no one should be dragged into a confrontation with them at all. The responsibility is on each and every one of us and the older ones should warn the younger ones not to go close to where they gather, not to answer them for good or for bad, and not to be dragged into their presence, and definitely not to argue with them – and not to chalilah, cause a Chillul Shem Shamayim.”

“It is the duty of all of us to protect our ears from chas v’chalilah hearing talk that impairs the nefesh and requires kriyah. It is the duty of all of us to guard our eyes from looking at sights that lack tznius, etc.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is why my name isn’t on that poster. I would have thought that we should physically fight tooth and nail for kedushas haaretz, like the maccabee’im fought the Yevonim in their day. There are other reasons why my name isn’t there, but I’ll stick to this one for now 😉
    In all seriousness, yitamu chatoim min haaretz u’reshoim oid einom, may Hashem protect all those heilige yiddin from this incident and may Hashem exact retribution to those involved in the march including the police

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