Whoops! Haaretz Does It Again, Apologizes For Ad After Leftists Throw A Fit

The ad in Haaretz. (Toras Lechima)

Haaretz publisher Amos Schoken came under fire from the left after a large ad against IDF refusal was published on the front page of the newspaper on Tuesday.

The ad, which was funded by the Torah Lechima organization, an NGO which strives to maintain the IDF’s Jewish identity, features a screenshot from a viral video against IDF refusal along with the words: “Stop IDF refusal – save the IDF.” The ad also contains a QR code to the video.

Although Shocken admitted on Twitter that he approved the ad, he claimed he was “duped” by the organization, writing: “Unfortunately, the advertiser cheated us. In order to get the ad approved, he submitted one without the reference to the brazen and false video and after the ad was approved, he asked to replace the ad due to some fault in the first file he submitted, and those responsible did not notice the change.”

But Shocken’s explanation wasn’t enough for the leftists, who continued to excoriate him, saying that the ad should never have been approved in the first place. So on Wednesday, the newspaper published an apology, stating: “We apologize for publishing the ad yesterday. A glitch occurred in the ad approval process prior to the newspaper going to press and it shouldn’t have been published as it was.”

Perhaps Haaretz needs to consider new staff for its advertising department, as a similar “shocking glitch” occurred in March, when Shocken was forced to apologize for two pro-judicial reform ads published in the newspaper.

The video can be seen below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If you think that it’s torah to kill people then you can build the beis mikdash the Jewish nation wasn’t in danger in Israel happened in Germany but not the with Palestinian it says the mistake of Abraham was that he said ” bmah edah ki erishenah” with what do I know that will Internet this land and that time he didn’t have the pure Isaac or Jacob and today the answer is the Israeli army God modernized and your allowed to kill people cause they would do it to you and then it happens

  2. so haaretz apologized for printing a point of view that doesn’t conform with its editorial bias? could they possibly have done anything more blatant to underline their desperate resistance to journalistic objectivity?

    the students of hillel demonstrated derekh ERETZ (sic) by repeating their opponents’ views first, before refuting them…

  3. “The ad, which was funded by the Torah Lechima organization, an NGO which strives to maintain the IDF’s Jewish identity…”

    This is disgusting. Imagine a guy joining Jews for J and claiming his job is to “maintain its Jewish identity”. This is much worse.

    The Zionist IDF is the indoctrination (meaning shmad) center of the Zionist faith as a replacement for Judaism (even if they call that “Jewish”). It does not have a “Jewish identity” and obviously never can, as it is perhaps the greatest anti-Judaism force on the planet.

  4. You want to be lazy and selfish being protected from jihadis that’s your business. Personally I think all bocherim who refuse to do their military service should proudly request to do national service.

    But anyone who encourages soldiers to desert because they support A MORE LEFTIST ANTI RELIGIOUS COURT has no sechel and should go live in Ramallah.

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