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Israel: Surprise Party Leads to Police Response

mishtara.jpgA young man was abducted by his friends, bound, and placed in the trunk of a vehicle, all to make him a surprise party. The organizers of the party believed he was really abducted while the parents of the ‘victim’ were aware of what was taking place.

Two youths spotted a vehicle on Saturday night and notified Netanya police, informing them a male was wrapped in a blanket, bound and gagged in the trunk of the vehicle.

A large response was ordered by police and a chopper was ordered in the air.

In the meantime, police ran a check on the suspects’ license plates and policemen were sent to the Netanya home of the registered owner. Shortly following their arrival, police learned the entire kidnapping was a prank that was choreographed by soldiers for the birthday of a friend.

The parents explained their son’s friends wanted to surprise him on his birthday. They came to the house, tied him down and drove off towards the shore.

Police were less than impressed, stating that the young men still broke the law, and cost the police a great deal of manpower and expense. Nevertheless, police informed the three who arranged the entire episode they do not intend to press formal charges against them.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. number one is commenting on the wrong story.

    I guarrantee that there were no frum people involved in this party otherwise they would have for sure been arrested

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