KANOY OR CRAZY? Chareidim Slash Bus Tires, Spray Paint Messages Over Pictures Of Women

Radical chareidi extremists have struck again in the heart of Yerushalayim, with a group of the zealots puncturing the wheels of Egged buses and spray-painting them with messages reading, “Enough with the non-tznius pictures.”

All this over modest photos of women on the busses.

Israeli police are investigating the incident, which is now the second such occurrence in the last two weeks. Authorities reportedly have surveillance footage of the suspects and are expected to bring charges against them.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. And there you have it. No need wonder why Mashiach isn’t here yet. Of course they should be charged or else people will keep doing this hurtful and hateful stuff. Then one wonders why people go off the derech.

  2. crazy maybe misplaced kanoyus probably Genaiva for sure. Who gives anyone permission to ruin someone else’s property especially public property.

  3. I rather with the Chareidi…..the hatred and voices above must definitely be from those where G-d can not be found…..

    in 80’s Gotetx bathing suits for women advertised on buses all over Jerusalem. The buses with the pictures of these women being burned and the News groups and media blame the “charedim”.
    Meretz Youth (sounds like SS youth) which belonged to Lapids father party went to malls and ripped off Mezozah on store fronts. From there it escalated to burning to ground shuls and Sefiri Toirah and Tephilin in Jerusalem. !!!!

    The media blamed the bus burning squarely on Religious Jews which resulted in a prob and Investagations.
    Obviously the Frum denied bus burnings.
    But the incitements did not stop.
    After the conclusion of the investigation it was found that the bus burning was done by Meretz (SS) Youth. However the news of the investigation foundings was buried in the back pages of papers.

    So a note of warning to YWN.
    Unless you have physical live evidence of solid evidence don’t be a part of Fake News and perpetuate FALSE NEWS and hate seeded in hate and all powerful Jewish, Jew haters paid for by EU and US various sources.

    Lapid Ben Lapid the Jewish Hater.

  5. There is no reason for an egged bus that much of their customer base is haredi to have ads of women at all going through the center of yerushalayim because a large portion of their base does not appreciate it, therefore it is unsensitive, and also unnecessary.
    the ads are offensive slashing tires is wrong spray painting the ads is illegal but necessary.

  6. While violence is never condoned but The rat infested people are only chareidim. The shikses knowingly entering in scant clothing on chareidi buses, are just exercising their G d given freedom rights.
    It is unbelievable how a Chareidi person will always be a distant second to a secular person in the JEWISH STATE
    By now I say, GOOD RIDDANCE. Spray em all. Mayb thats gonna resonate with these creepy kids.

  7. to all your comments above : misguided and uninformed western cultured people.
    you probably dont know – but ,
    !!!תמונות- פרסומות כאלה של פריצות לא קיימים בכלל בשכונות הערביות
    vhameivin yavin

  8. The question is, will these parasites behave like this in USA, Poland , Germany , Turkey , Iran or any other country other than the Zionist Israel. No. Too much Freedom in this country . Lock them up and throw the key . Let them rut in jail like the rates that they are. This is not the religion I was brought on. Judaism is a peaceful religion. With this kind of behavior you are giving the Lefts too much ammunition. Let it be. Go and Shtyg do Mitzvos, chesed, and if you are not capable of that then go to WORK. ( look it up in the dictionary).

  9. “Common sense person”:
    Mashiach would surely be here if not for the unprecedented Zionist assaults on Hashem, His Torah and His people, including including pictures of women on buses in frum areas.

    The Zionists need to be sensitive to the religion of their citizens (Judaism, as opposed to Zionism). In Judaism, a woman is valued and respected, and not made public property by putting her picture on a bus billboard. The Zionists know this, of course, even though their faith of Zionism prefers aping the worst of secular “culture”.

  10. Some of these comments are indistinguishable from Nazi attitudes towards Jews. Maybe these are even worse. Never seen anyone get so mad over people being mechalel Shabbos or other series aveiros.

  11. HaKatan…… these Zionists need to be sensitive to the religion. Does it say in the Shulchn Aruch that it’s ok to cause a Chillul Hashem? And by the way these Zionists and their children guard the borders of Israel so that you and your family can sleep at night. Are they perfect? No. Are you perfect? I doubt it.

  12. Whether this is theoretically right or wrong, practically speaking, this will only provoke more היפף הצניעות from the misguided Jews.

  13. Totally unacceptable, the punishment should be the same as the one handed down to the protesters in tel Aviv doing the same shenanigans. Meaning nothing should be done to these crazy vandals until it gets done to the other crazy vandals

  14. HaKatan
    “Mashiach would surely be here if not for the unprecedented Zionist assaults on Hashem, His Torah and His people, including including picture”
    Are you a navi? Did Mashiach come yet before Zionism existed? Who are “the Zionists”? There are no real Zionists today. Unfortunately a large portion of the population in Israel today is secular (although that is BH slowly changing). Things like what we consider indecent pictures on busses are part of modern day western culture that exists all over the world today, not just in Israel and have nothing to do with Zionism. Vandalism and busting tires is not the way of an Ehrliche Yid. I don’t know which area this was in, I was in Israel recently and did not see any indecent pictures on busses, maybe it’s because I didn’t look for them… If there are indecent pictures in frum areas they should try first to reason with the bus company and if that doesn’t work just boycot the busses until the pictures are removed.

  15. The totem and the taboo
    Why nobody mention that they are sick people and it can happen in this society where people once meant religion before life but they would never do this thing its worse then fighting Christians
    There kids are sick from confusing religious culture and need to go a doctor what should really happen to them is the rabbi should tell them to have girls that are taken from Arab husbands if the army would take them back from the dangerous neighborhoods they should have yichud with them
    They just do not know sexual society and aren’t kadosh

  16. Both a kanoi and crazy. As a kanoi he wants all pictures of women, including those that are not untzius unless you hold that any picture of a woman’s face in public is untznius, off the public buses. Crazy because he fails to understand that Israel is not a country run for the benefit of kanoim. Public buses in Yerushalayim do show consideration for the frum public by not having untznius pictures of women. The bus companies however cater to 100% of the public and for that reason do allow basically tznius pictures of women. Surely the aveira of theft, which is what spray painting and tyre slashing is, is more serious that the kanoius of holding that any picture of a woman’s face is praiseworthy.

  17. First, as the article clearly notes, these ads involve women wearing tziniusdik (aka MODEST) clothing and are not provocative (unless you are suffering from some disorder which most likely can be helped). The usual posters with their mindless stream of invective are seemingly incapable of understanding that the streets are PUBLIC rights of way and this vandalism has no legal basis.

  18. The same סדר משניות which has נשים is immediately followed by נזיקין
    I have to surmize that these zealots weren’t bright enough nor intelligent enough to get past נשים in their talmudical studies, hence have no idea, that there is anything wrong being a מזיק through slashing

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