Tel Aviv: Passerby Spits In The Face Of The Bereaved Mother

Chagit Rhein. (Facebook/Sivan Rahav-Meir)

Chagit Rein, the mother of Banaya Rein, Hy’d, who was killed by Hezbollah during the Second Lebanon War in 2006, was spat in the face on a Tel Aviv street, Chareidi journalist Sivan Rahav-Meir wrote in her weekly column in Yediot Achranot.

“I wrote here about a month ago on women with head coverings (scarves) who have turned into targets,” Rahav-Meir wrote. “I mentioned a number of incidents and I felt pain over every email I received in response. But still – these are only the extremists, I said to myself – people on the fringes. It’s like relating seriously to the bus driver who yelled at the teenage girls. It’s chaval to make a big deal out of it. But the responses I’m getting aren’t stopping. It’s a phenomenon – sad and ugly – even if it’s ignored by the media, even if they choose to only speak about other things.”

“‘I prefer not to speak about it,'” Chagit told me at first. ‘I’m the type to appease, I want to lower the flames. Benaya, h’yd, was killed in the same tank as Uri Grossman, hy’d, the son of David Grossman [a well-known left-wing Israeli author]. I’ve been speaking about both of them in my lectures around the country for 17 years, since the war.'”

“In the end, she agreed to tell me. She went to Tel Aviv for a right-wing protest. While she was there, someone passed by and asked her if the protest was for or against reform. Chagit began saying that she came because she’s against IDF refusal and the passerby spit in her face and cursed her.”

“‘I still feel that I haven’t calmed down from this insult,’ Chagit said. ‘I feel it until now. I literally froze in place, like a victim of an assault. I was so hurt that at first, I didn’t tell anyone about it. I left the event and walked, humiliated, to my car. The way to the car seemed to me like an eternity. And then I sat there and tried to breathe deeply until I calmed down a bit. I remembered how my mother used to tell me that back in Poland, the Poles would regularly spit on her on the streets and shout at her ‘stinking Jewess.’ And here I am in Eretz Yisrael and a Jew spits on another Jew?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. This is why we’re still in this galus and why there are so many disasters around the world. Is there a place you haven’t heard of that isn’t either flooded or has a fire raging?

  2. “I remembered how my mother used to tell me that back in Poland, the Poles would regularly spit on her on the streets and shout at her ‘stinking Jewess.’ And here I am in Eretz Yisrael and a Jew spits on another Jew?””

    Yup. The Zionists are the worst haters of Jews. Chazal say it. The gedolim predicted it, too. Plain common sense says the same thing, since Zionism is an attempted replacement of Judaism for Jews. The Zionists’ ilk’s hatred of Jews is worse than Esav’s hatred.

  3. These incited leftists are proof of the dictum that “anti-Semitism begins at home”. Recently, when a leftist MK referred to chareidi women as being “rent-a-wombs.” Gantz, who tries to create an image for himself as the “acceptable” face of the Left, was seen to have found the vile remarks amusing!
    By the way, the judicial tyranny have disqualified legislation which would have made such incitement a hate crime, thus allowing the Left their to have their favorite sport of Jew-bating!

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