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Grants to be Offered for Aliyah from Within Israel | Chaim V’Chessed

A significant portion of Israel’s English-speaking community consists of legal residents who have chosen not to pursue Israeli citizenship. However, this status poses various challenges across different aspects of their lives. Addressing these challenges, Chaim V’Chessed has served as a leading advocate for the rights of these residents.

The challenges often faced by non-citizen residents include enrollment in kindergartens, access to bus fare discounts, navigating Arnona payments, and more. Additionally, foreigners residing in Israel grapple with the necessity of frequently renewing their passports and visas, with delays in these processes commonly resulting in the loss of essential healthcare benefits. Chaim V’Chessed’s dedicated departments each work tirelessly to support non-citizens in navigating these complexities and other related issues.

Foreign residents residing in Israel for the long term may often be best served by obtaining Israeli citizenship. However, the Aliyah process itself is known for its rigor and emotional toll. It frequently involves multiple visits to the Misrad HaPnim, often a challenging and onerous experience.

Last week, Nefesh B’Nefesh Executive Vice President Zev Gershinsky visited Chaim V’Chessed offices to unveil a new initiative. For some time, Nefesh B’Nefesh has offered ‘Guided Aliyah’ for those applying from within Israel. Now, this program has been expanded and bolstered by additional staff. For those making aliyah from within Israel, this method is by far the most logical choice. Applicants receive personalized service from native English-speakers who understand their backgrounds. Furthermore, nearly all arrangements are made remotely or in Nefesh B’Nefesh offices. Generally, only one trip to Misrad HaPnim is required to complete the process, and Nefesh B’Nefesh representatives even escort the applicants to that encounter as well.

Adding to the excitement, Nefesh B’Nefesh has now introduced a compelling incentive. Eligible applicants who apply for the Guided Aliyah program prior to Rosh Hashanah will be eligible for substantial financial grants. This initiative aims to provide valuable support, particularly for larger families, offering potential grants of several thousand dollars to encourage their Aliyah process.

To be eligible for the grant, applicant families must include at least one member holding a U.S. or Canadian passport. Applications must be submitted before Rosh Hashanah, and the Aliyah process must be successfully completed by the close of 2023.

For foreign residents in Israel, Nefesh B’Nefesh’s ‘Guided Aliyah’ program stands out as the most appealing pathway to easily obtain Israeli citizenship. Learn more about this program by clicking here, or by calling 073-730-3703.

3 Responses

  1. Is “multiple visits to the Misrad HaPnim, often a challenging and onerous experience” or ” offering potential grants of several thousand dollars to encourage their Aliyah process” enough to put your older teenage children at risk of being forced to enlist in the IDF or being able to leave Israel with permission only?

  2. BE CAREFUL !! Unless something changed, the Dual Citizenship agreement between the USA & Israel, is only when an individual makes Aliyah! A USA embassy person told me, that a USA citizen requesting Israeli citizenship, NOT as part as Aliyah, can jeopardize/effect their Rights as an a USA citizen. I know this, because, years ago Misrad Hapnim tried to woo my wife into becoming an Israeli citizen. Just check things out before you make any decisions.

  3. Ashtt8, whoever told you that was lying. There is no “dual citizenship agreement” involved, and it makes no difference whether you’re immigrating or already there, or which country it is. It could be Israel, Iran, or North Korea.

    US citizenship is a right, not a privilege, and once validly obtained, whether by birth or by naturalization, it CANNOT BE LOST involuntarily. There is literally nothing you can do, not even outright treason, that will enable the US government to revoke your citizenship, without you voluntarily renouncing it.

    (Obviously if you were never a US citizen in the first place, e.g. it is discovered you weren’t really born in the USA, or that your naturalization was passul, then the US can stop treating you as one. In this way US citizenship works exactly like Jewish status; once you have validly become a Jew, by being born to a Jewish mother or by a valid giyur, you are a Jew and nobody can revoke it no matter what you do; but if it’s discovered that your mother wasn’t really Jewish, or that your giyur was passul, then you’re not a Jew no matter how big a tzadik you are. The big difference is that you can voluntarily renounce US citizenship, but not citizenship in Am Yisroel.)

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