LEFTISTS ARE CRYING: Fitch Ratings Affirms Israel’s A+ Credit Rating

(AP Photo/Henny Ray Abrams, File)

The poor leftists in Israel – despite doing everything within their power to claim that Israel is on the brink of ruin due to the government’s efforts to align Israel’s judiciary with other democracies, the Fitch credit rating agency on Monday created a snag in their plans.

Fitch Ratings on Monday left Israel’s A+ credit rating unchanged, affirming the Jewish state’s “diversified, resilient and high value-added economy” although it did pay lip service to the leftists’ agenda by adding that the rating is despite Israel’s “record of unstable governments that has hindered policymaking.”

Regarding the rampant lies spread by anarchists that Israel’s high-tech slowdown is due to the judicial reform plan, Fitch asserted that the slowdown is in line with global industry trends, stating: “Fitch considers the current measures are unlikely to trigger a material exodus of talent and capital in the high-tech sector. Our base case assumes limited impact from the judicial changes beyond the protests’ impact on consumption and a delay in some capital investment decisions, although risks of a greater impact remain.”

Of course, any “greater impact” would not be the result of the judicial reform itself, which has no bearing on the economy, but would be the direct result of the anarchists’ incitement to international media outlets.

Following the affirmation by Fitch, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich issued a joint statement, saying: “The confirmation of Israel’s credit rating at the A+ level and leaving the forecast at ‘stable’ prove what we have said all along – Israel’s economy is strong, stable and solid. Israel is good for businesses. Those who invest in Israel – profit.”

“When you look at the Israeli economy’s true data, you see the opposite picture of what the news channels are trying to create night after night. The excellent data stands in contrast to the false scare campaigns and we will do everything to keep it that way.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. 1 YWN seems not to realize that “A”, even a “A+” is a low rating. The highest rating is AAA.

    2. The Israeli leftists (sometimes called “anarchists”) are in fact the upper class which controls the economy, and they are heavily invested in the idea that if they withdraw from the Medinah, its economy will collapse.

    Their approach is similar to the Brits 75 years ago who thought that by withdrawing from their Empire it would the local economies to collapse, and the Indians, Irish, Africans and Palestinians (as they referred to non-Arabs such as Jews in their colony in Eretz Yisrael) would come back on hands and knees begging their former masters to return. The Israeli elite (leftists, anarchists, the name doesn’t matter) believe that the groups in Bibi’s coalition (nationalists, dattim, and hareidim) can’t run a country without them.

  2. 1 YWN seems not to realize that “A”, even a “A+” is a low rating. The highest rating is AAA.

    Actually its the third highest rating out of 11.
    Its an investment grade rating.

  3. This article is a poorly written sack of garbage. Any discussion of credit ratings should include information about the range of ratings. And I have not read anything suggesting that leftists are seeking to ruin Israel’s economy. If that is so, explain it, and if not, don’t mention it.

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