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Bus To Bnei Brak Hits 3 Vehicles, Slides Into Ditch, 15 Lightly Injured

A serious traffic accident occurred on Sunday night, shortly after midnight, when a bus traveling from Ofakim to Bnei Brak hit three vehicles and slid into a ditch, almost overturning with its 25 passengers.

In a neis, passengers of the vehicles and bus suffered only minor injuries.

“I was rushed to the scene of a serious car accident, where I found a bus on the side of the road after it hit several private vehicles and slid into a ditch on the side of the road,” Hatzalah paramedic Baruch Hershkowitz said.

“Together with MDA medics and paramedics, we provided first aid to the passengers of the bus and the private vehicles that, b’chasdei Shamayim, suffered only minor injuries. Fifteen passengers were evacuated for further treatment at Assuta Hospital in Ashdod and Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Stories like this highlight the importance of wearing seat belts even on buses, where when the very rare accidents do happen seatbelts can make a big difference, even saving lives.

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