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OUTRAGEOUS: Burqa Suspect’s Discharge Letter Written Under Pressure From Shin Bet, Police

Yechiel Indor, who shot and killed a Palestinian in self-defense after he and others were attacked by a violent Arab mob, was released from Shaare Tzedek Hospital on Sunday and taken into police custody.

Indor was severely injured by the mob, suffering a cerebral hemorrhage and skull fractures, and underwent emergency neurosurgery. According to a letter sent to the court by his relatives, “the conditions of his release were given under pressure from the Shin Bet and the police.” Earlier reports said that the Shin Bet and the police had pressured the doctors to interrogate Indor while he was still in the hospital but the doctors refused to allow it.

Additionally, Indor’s discharge letter included an outrageous sentence: “There are no special instructions regarding the bed he will sleep on.”

Kol Yehudi journalist Elchanan Groner responded to the report by writing: “Who writes such a sentence in a discharge letter? Only a doctor who was pressured to release an injured person to police detention and allow him to be interrogated in a detention facility under terrible conditions that are not suitable for a head injury after complex surgery.”

Journalist Arnon Segal wrote: “A seriously injured lynch survivor is kidnapped from the hospital to force him to confess to a crime he did not commit. Where are you, right-wing ministers and MKs? And what are you doing now so we don’t become Sedom?”

Meanwhile, Attorney Avi Keidar of the Honenu legal aid organization submitted an urgent appeal to the court for a reconsideration of the decision to extend Indor’s arrest.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The country has been hijacked by the Zionist doctrine: hence zero reasonableness! That’s maybe why the left is so terrified.

  2. These news are extremely upsetting to say the list. But to go to the extent too call them all Nazis … I don’t think it’s right. I don’t agree with what they are doing, but they are definitely not doing what the Nazis did. This only cheapens the memory of the Shoa victims.

  3. The police are really tough against the religious and charadim, but afraid to act on the Arabs or lefties who break the law.

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