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TESHUVA TWIST: Man Who Hurled Egg At Tefillin Stand Apologizes, Dons Tefillin

An Israeli man who hurled an egg at a tefillin stand about three weeks ago rectified his actions by coming to the stand on Friday morning and apologizing.

The man, a resident of Nes Tziona, rolled up his sleeve after he apologized and requested to put on tefillin.

“He also told us that he’s being mekabeil to put on tefillin every day,” one of the Chabadnikim told the Hebrew-language COL website.

Following the egg-throwing incident, which caused a public uproar, the man was detained and questioned by the police.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. I am sure these Chabadskers would gladly have more people throw eggs on them if those people are mekabel to put on tefillin daily.

    How many of today’s rabbonim would be happy if a person spat in their face, if that person is later mekabel to learn daf yomi?! I can’t think of even one!

    Such midos are legendary about gedolim from previous generations.

    I am inspired and humbled.

    Kol hakovod!

  2. what a special person…..he had to go through all of this just for this gift of Tefillin….beautiful…..I think we knew this was coming…..

  3. “How many of today’s rabbonim would be happy if a person spat in their face, if that person is later mekabel to learn daf yomi?! I can’t think of even one!”

    That’s because you hate litvish (and possibly even chassidish except for Chabad of course) rabbanim

    I can think of TONS of rabbanim that would do the same

    1) Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky
    2) Rav Aaron Feldman
    3) Rav Reuvain Feinstein
    4) my shul’s rav
    5) Rav eitan feiner
    6) Rav Yaakov Bender

    I can go on

    I’m sorry pick a nicer screen name can’t

  4. Coffee addict, I do not chas vsholom hate ANY Yid, no matter how different from mine is his derech or mesorah. Hating a Yid involves many issurim and transgressing the mitzva assay of v’ahavta l’rayacha komocha. Indeed one who hates other Jews is a rosha and is literally a sonei yisroel.

    But you are correct just that these Chabadsker bochurim and multitudes like them have the exceptional midos on the caliber of the exceptional gedolim you listed.

    That humbles and inspires me, even though their derech is far from mine.

  5. But returning to your accusation that I c”v hate thousands of holy yidden – on what basis did you build this fantasy?!

    Do you believe that if someone says a good word about Chabad, that person must automatically hate all Litvish (and possibly all Chassidish) yidden?

    Is that not twisted?!

    You see the word Chabad and your mouth drewels foam and you start howling at the moon like a rabid canine.

    I have one word if advice for you: Therapy.

  6. “But returning to your accusation that I c”v hate thousands of holy yidden – on what basis did you build this fantasy?!“

    You obviously can’t read (your own writing)

    “How many of today’s rabbonim would be happy if a person spat in their face, if that person is later mekabel to learn daf yomi?! I can’t think of even one!”

    The fact you can’t think of one shows to us how you think Chabad is superior than litvish

    I don’t think therapy can help you

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