Ukraine Threatens To Shut Down Rosh Hashana In Uman Over Diplomatic Dispute

In an escalating diplomatic spat, Ukraine is threatening to close its borders to those seeking to spend their Rosh Hashana in Uman. The threat comes in response to Israel’s recent deportation of Ukrainian tourists, which has left the two nations locked in a tense standoff.

Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Yevhen Korniychuk, revealed the potential border closure during a telephone interview with Israeli media. Korniychuk said he is currently engaged in discussions with Ukrainian officials to navigate the situation.

According to Korniychuk, approximately 10% of Ukrainian tourists visiting Israel have faced deportation, causing consternation among Ukrainian authorities. He emphasized that Ukraine has unequivocally communicated its displeasure regarding the ongoing deportations to Israeli officials.

This is not the first time the possibility of preventing travelers from crossing the border has been raised. Korniychuk had previously hinted at the prospect of blocking entry for security reasons. With tensions running high, the ambassador is now revisiting this notion as a means of asserting Ukraine’s stance.

Korniychuk also expressed hope that Israeli police officers would continue their tradition of being present in Uman over Rosh Hashana, a practice that has been maintained in most previous years. The presence of Israeli law enforcement has helped to maintain order and ensure the safety of the event’s attendees.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. But then people will have to spend Rosh Hashanah with their families. How can the Ukrainian government be so evil to force that on people!?

  2. Ukrainian tourists were legally deported from Israel for not having been properly vaccinated against rabies as all dogs should.

  3. It is astounding to see many Jews support the Ukraine seemingly unaware of the lethal persecution of the Jewish People right up until this day. The pogroms which took half a million lives and another million during the Holocaust. Don’t turn a blind eye to the annual tribute to the SS march through Kiev. The Neo-Nazis serve in the current Ukrainian military (Azov Battalion). They never voted for Israel once at the UN.What about the Demjanjuk trials in Jerusalem. Don’t be dummies! Grab a history book.Look into things like Babi Yar. They sent half a million Ukrainian Orthodox Church residents to Israel. Some even have swastika tattoos. So uneducated!

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