BEIN HAZEMANIM RISKS: Chevra Kadisha Head Cries: “I Tore Clothing For 80 Aveilim This Week”


A day after the searing tragedy of the death of a father of ten while on a Bein Hazemanim hike, the head of the Chassidish Chevra Kadisha in Jerusalem spoke out on Thursday.

In a video message, HaRav Kletzkin said: “It’s tes zayin Av and Bein Hazemanim just began this week. Since Sunday, I already cut the clothing of 80 aveilim at levayos, including five children – and that’s only the males.”

“Hashem Yishmor, you think the pain ends after the levayos? I can’t eat or sleep.”

“It’s Bein HaZemanim. I’m very afraid of it. Everyone who goes on tiyulim during Bein Hazemanim must daven beforehand for shemirah, give tzedakah – that everyone will be safe. Halevai that everyone will be safe, that Hashem will help that everyone who leaves will return b’shalom. We need to adhere to נשמרתם מאוד לנפשותיכם many times more than during the year.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. yup rabosai every year same story all over the world you are not in your comfort zone when you go to other countries or trips prepare yourselves properly take precautions and give tzedakah

  2. Don’t think I’ve read something more untrue then this!!
    When I lived in yerushalyim I got connected with the CK there and the last time I was with them was by a levaya leaving shamgar, the workers put the body in the van and closed the doors, immediately after one of them took off their hat and put it on top of the body and then they all began to smoke or vape. So I don’t believe that he can’t eat or sleep because of the tragedies, maybe he can’t eat or sleep because he’s making money and doesn’t want to sacrifice the pay. Pretty sure the richest people in yerushalyim are the heads of beis l’platos which is a orphanage for girls in meah shearim (I feel bad for the people that donate there)
    and the heads of the Chevra Kadisha.
    Like in a previous article about the agudah commenting on Biden getting involved in Israel’s business, one of the comments stated they should tell frum Jews to stop taking advantage or each other.
    Same applies here!!

  3. Of course a person must daven that H-shem keep him safe! But it is also vital imperative that people plan responsibly for trips and tiyulim. Know the risks, dress appropriately, take enough water and don’t challenge yourself unduly. If its a tough trail and you are not in top shape, go to the zoo or beach instead.

  4. Kugs- what blatant Loshon Hora at best. Probably it’s Motze Sheim Ra. I doubt that many will agree with your assessment..

  5. Hi Mr Kugs
    First of all, why are you picking on one word that he said. The point hes saying is trying to save lives. By taking that inspiration away, YOU are the one causing people to not daven and not be careful. If he would really want more people to give him money, he would not want more people to be safe השם ירחם. Also, before you say such mean hatred against people, figure out if everyone is like that or just a one time experience. Do not just post your garbage and jealousy for others to see

  6. Dear Kugs, can you epxplain to me why what you say does not constitute either חושד על הכשרים, Moitzee shaym Ra or Loshon Horah? Hashem Yishmereinu. I think that every chizuk for Tefillah and good deeds in this period of time should be lauded and encouraged. Even if it causes one Yid to be more aware of the dangers, what do you care what other people do? If he says something sensible we should listen to it. Because it is hard to argue with such words.

  7. If you go on a trip and don’t come back alive it means that you didn’t really want to go on the trip for the sake of God the purpose of Israel is
    to be alone with hashem not for vacation trips it’s crazy

  8. To respond to those that don’t like my previous comment:
    1) I didn’t say everyone is bad, I said my last experience with them. It was the last experience because I don’t want to go near there anymore.
    2) I didn’t say that people shouldnt be careful, I said he’s full of it. Everyone needs to be careful and needs to daven. I was on hatzalah when I lived in Israel and on hatzalah were I live now, I can be front and center expressing the importance of people being hydrated and prepared.
    3) I know people on the inside of both beis laplaitos and the CK, they all live a very lavish lifestyle. Last I checked (a few months ago) beis laplaitos has 8 girls there. So they rent the rest of the building out to an American seminary yet They recently made a multi million dollar campaign.
    This isn’t lashon harah or moitze shem ra, this is a decievment and maybe even theft. So it should be publicized

  9. How about, in addition to the plea by HaRav Kletzkin, people actually use COMMON SENSE?? Why do they put themselves at risk by being unprepared? Do they really think they are invincible?

    My granddaughter from US desperately wanted to go to the Dead Sea right before Rosh Chodesh, during that really bad heatwave. As much as I wanted her to have fun, when I saw the temperature there was 43* I refused to take her. It didn’t matter we have a massive cooler, lots of ice packs and enough bottled water to re-fill the Dead Sea, I was not taking that risk. I don’t understand why there is an obsession in this country with hikes and trips to exposed areas during extreme heat. This tragedy could have been avoided….how does that family come back from this? Terrible.

  10. It must be August (aka bein hazmanim). The former President of the United States is arrested and fingerprinted for the third or fourth time, the High Court of Justice in EY holds a hearing on invalidating a key part of the “Judicial Reform” bill designed to protect the PM and potentially triggering a constitutional crisis and the head of the chevrah kadishah is accused of being a fraud artist and living a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the families of those who were niftar. Otherwise, just a slow day in August.

  11. Its a sad saga and a shame that ignorant people lash out at each other. These same people dont have a clue what water safety, hydration, navigation, first aid or prevention in the first place is all about.
    When you play stupid games, you WIN stupid prizes.
    Entering water bodies with strong currents without a lifeguard. Or congested beaches that you trample each others.
    Dessert or wilderness hikes without gps hydration and first aid.
    Fire hadlookas, where everyone is trying to outdo the other with a bigger fire, for a bigger chasiddus. Its a tragedy waiting to happen.
    Or uncivilized pushing upon exiting events, not adhering to any instruction causing a stampede and L”O loss of life.
    The only 3 places this happens are chasidim and lehavdil Muslims in Mecca or schwartz on black friday sale for a 60″ TV.

  12. levi365248- when you dont come home from a well deserved family trip. Its because you are totally not in tune with yourself or your surroundings.
    Hashem is “kiloy Chesed” but yet he implemented in his world “Nature”, and wheater systems, that are dangerous and destructive and a million people loose their life yearly.
    Lightning, thunderstorms, severe drought extreme heat, hail, tornadoes, typhoons, tsunamis, quicksand, ocean currents, drownings, riptides, mud slides, avalanches….
    All of the above can kill you

  13. I think this issue which is being brought up, seems to be a sore spot but most are embarrassed or feel it’s inappropriate to discuss. It has now become the norm to open a Mosed, Shul, Tzedaka organization, Kiruv school or any other type of Frum name, and it is used a front for people to collect tons of money by calling it Tzedaka. How much are these heads and those involved making? Is that really Tzedaka? The bottom line…. they have nobody they need to answer to (oh, let’s forget about the Ribono Shel Olam) so they can make whatever money they want and call it Tzedaka… so who really can say why these calamities are happening… could it be the dishonesty?

  14. TO Yeshiva World News

    What right does one have to give a platform for loshon horaah and rechilas

    Please stop 🛑 enough!!!!!

    We just finished 9av

  15. Kugs, its pointless telling the truth, i live there i understand what your saying, but all these innocent people will never get it …

  16. RescuMedic75 I like your name very much, it seems to me that you know very well what is going on, on the ground, however I do not see how your comment which you addressed to me has any bearing on what I said? I think indeed that people are better of not going on these dangerous tiyulim. If they go, they should be so very well informed about how to minimize every risk. But one of the ways to prepare for tiyulim is to daven very much and to do chesed, learn some Torah on the trip.
    I am incapacitated in such a way that I can not take my dear children on these trips. That is somewhat unfortunate. But whenever my children go on a trip, either with friends, cheder, or Beis Yaakov, then I say Tehillim throughout the day bli neder, even if they go to such a place like the beach of park hamayim, or Kibbutz Chofetz chayim. I feel that I have to be misoreir in myself every time how much we are Bidey Hashem Yisborach. Make sure to say either mizmor lesodah or nishmas kol chay when they have returned sholeim again!

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