Hamas Releases Photos Of IDF Soldier’s Dog Tag, Hadar Goldin’s Gun

Photos of published by Hamas of a dog tag of an IDF soldier and what it claims is the gun of fallen soldier Hadar Goldin, H'yd.

The Hamas terror group on Tuesday published photos of a dog tag of an IDF soldier it claims it seized in an ambush during Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

It also re-published photos of a gun it claims belonged to fallen IDF soldier Hadar Goldin, H’yd, whose body has been held by the terror group since 2014. The photos, which were originally published in December, were republished to mark the ninth anniversary of Goldin’s abduction.

The Palestinian Falestin Alan TV also published a video revealing new details of the abduction, including the fact that a group of Hamas terrorists waited for days in hiding prior to the ambush.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Oh, wow, that’s a really scary story, I bet it really happened. Glad we have the government to keep us safe. I support the regime. Hey, you know what some weirdos think happened? They think the government just tried to kill everyone in a botched genetics experiment under durress. Can you believe that? I don’t believe that. That is crazy talk. The kind of talk that should get you locked up for life in an insane assylum constantly getting electrocuted and drugged from Soviet-trained torture experts who got their training electrocuting and drugging and lobotomizing “sluggish schizophrenic” dissidents in the old country, you know, like the Kfar Shaul staff or some similar treatment. Yup. The government keeps us safe. No need for any spookbots to troll me to discredit me in the comments. No need cuz I support the thing! Yup, glad we’re keepin safe.

  2. “Hamas crackers broke – into the broadcast of the Goldin family – from the Gaza border – and painted swastikas,” Branza, April 4, 2020.

  3. Nine years! Endless pain. Impossible to imagine what the Goldin family is feeling.
    If Netanyahu had put a tenth of the effort he’s put into political maneuvering to keep himself in power into bringing an end to this terrible story, they’d have had their son back years ago.
    If left wing parties had been in power in the Knesset for eight of the last nine years instead of the other way around there would be an outcry, but it’s our own beloved politicians in charge so we’re quiet.

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