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Will The Gov’t Give In To The Anarchist Summer Camp Outside The Knesset?

Thousands of leftists still angry about the democratically elected right-wing government continued their march to Jerusalem that began last week, arriving at the capital on Shabbos.

Many leftists set up tents in Gan Sacher, which is near the Knesset, slept there Motzei Shabbos, and continued to protest on Sunday, holding a rally outside the Knesset.

The wave of IDF reservists threatening to quit their service has continued, and opposition leader Yair Lapid held a meeting with Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David on Sunday to try to convince him to call a general strike in opposition of the government. Politicians, past IDF generals, and prime ministers continue to engage in lies and incite worldwide opinion against the government.

(AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

The media, dominated by left-wing journalists, continue to engage in fearmongering, exaggeration and outright false reports about the “end of democracy.”

Meanwhile, in the Knesset, the representatives of the government that was voted in by over two million voters continue to advance legislation to revoke the reasonableness clause in order to curb the power of the Supreme Court, which holds excessive power unparalleled in any democracy throughout the world.

(AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

Will the government successfully complete the legislation or will they give in to the hooligans?

(AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. This government along with all before it, have given in to the arab terrorists who throw rocks from bridges and seek to kill and maim Jews. Why should anyone imagine it will not give on to its own people “yo save the nation”? Well I have news for the Jews of America. The nation is worthless without the Torah. The anarchists want to destroy the Torah foundation of the nation. That is what this is all about and anyone who thinks otherwise is a blind fool. Jews of America, abandon all ideas of coming to live here. Strengthen your own communities so that when the Torah true minority pick up and flee to the USA and Europe you will have places for us. The state of Israel is already a den of iniquity and fornication and it will only get worse. Prepare for the mass immigration of Yidden that will soon start.

  2. To Theo:
    I do agree with two sentences:
    The nation is worthless without the Torah.
    The anarchists want to destroy the Torah foundation of the nation.

  3. Maybe 1/3 of the tents are used. It’s all theatre. All the tents that are arranged neatly are empty. I’m a bit surprised they saved all the tents, they’re the same ones that were used years ago on Rothschild during the cottage cheese demonstrations.

  4. If I make a summer camp on public land I would either need a license or would be punished for trespass. If camping is free on Knesset land, let’s make the next Camp Aguda over there. What a money-saving idea!

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