MARCHING TO THE CAPITAL: Anarchists Are Walking From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem

Illustrative. Israelis protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government in Tel Aviv, Israel, Tuesday, July 18, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)

Protest leader Shikma Bressler on Tuesday announced a protest march against the elected government from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, a distance of about 54 kilometers (33 miles), beginning on Tuesday evening.

According to the organizers, the goal is “to march for four days and arrive in Jerusalem on Shabbos in preparation for the vote on Sunday on the reasonableness clause and on the ‘beginning of the end of Israel as a democratic state.'”

The participants are only marching in the evening and early morning due to the prolonged heatwave Israel is currently experiencing.

The march began at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday evening from Rechov Kaplan in Tel Aviv. The protesters stopped for the night at Sharon Park, where they set up tents to sleep.

Due to the high temperatures, even the small number of people seen marching on Wednesday in the video below is impressive – especially for a march based on lies, fearmongering, and hatred.

It is assumed that as the marchers enter Jerusalem, they will be joined by liberal residents of the capital who will help bolster their numbers and improve their publicity photos.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. What Hitler y”m didnt finish off, the Israeli leftists brought to ruins! We have to daven and cry for the churban of these lost souls this appropriate zman Bein Hametzarim and Tisha B’av!

  2. Look at the positive side.
    They possess the middah of mesirus nefesh which is in the Jewish bloodstream starting with Avraham, Yitzchok and Yaakov and passed down the generations. They are misguided, but the כוחות הנפש are there to redirect to דברים שבקדושה…

  3. apdsvys – do not curse your brothers and sisters; rather, daven that they do teshuva.
    mindyourownbusiness – yes, daven and cry for the churban of these neshamos, but also daven that Hashem will open their eyes and heal their souls.
    Don’t forget that most of the Jews who left Egypt were ovdei avoda zara so much so that the malachim protested at Hashem saving them at kriyas Yam Suf – these and those are idol worshippers… Yet their display of emunah with the korban Pesach and bris milah were enough to give them life – בדמייך חיי. Don’t be harsh, even with very mistaken Yidden. They are not beyond redemption. All the while that they are still alive, they can do teshuva and be worthy of the geulah. As R’ Yisroel Salanter quoted the shoemaker: כל זמן שהנר דולק אפשר עוד לתקן… Daven for them and don’t give up on them. Hashem will love you for it because they are His children.

  4. Only leftists can refer to a vote by the democratically elected government as “the end of democracy”. This level of cognitive dissonance is awe inspiring.

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