ABSURD PERVERSION OF HISTORY: Leftists Tear “Kriyah” Over Judicial Reform

Screenshot/Knesset Channel

Reports on Israeli politics in recent months can leave you laughing or crying and sometimes it’s not clear which is more appropriate.

The absurdity reached new heights on Monday afternoon as left-wing politicians and high-tech entrepreneurs participated in a discussion in the Knesset’s Youth Committee, headed by a Labor MK, about support for high-tech social initiatives. During the discussion, they tore “kriyah” over the so-called harm of the government’s judicial reform plan, which will bring Israel in line with countries like Canada and New Zealand – comparing it to the Churban Beis Hamikdash.

Dr. Ilan Samish, the head of a food startup and one of the leaders of the left-wing protests, led the move, first donning a yarmulke and reading from Tanach about tearing kriyah for the Churban Beis Hamikdash.

He then stood up and with the utmost seriousness, said: “We’re now tearing our shirts as a sign of mourning for the harm to the Israeli high-tech sector and the unity of Am Yisrael. We hope that with this declarative act, perhaps one public figure will be shocked enough to choose to vote against unilateral legislation and choose to vote in favor of high-tech, Am Yisrael and unity.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Sure, why not? Frum do kriya over (other than familial death) calamities/churbanot.
    If in their small minds, it bothers them so much, it’s appropo to resort to a long Jewish Tradition. Always look a the bright side.

  2. It’s scary to see how they use Jewish law for their own whims! What about basics? Shabbos, kashrus, taharas hamishpocha and all 613 mitzvos. He is using halacha/tradition to suit his own purposes! How hypocritical!

  3. Mixed feelings.
    On one hand upsetting to see people use Torah for this silliness.
    On the other, nice to see these people still go to Torah as a reference

  4. The enactment, as proposed, of the judicial reform, would mark the “death” of the zionist dream, the idea of a “לִהְיוֹת עַם חָפְשִׁי בְּאַרְצֵנוּ” to be a secular people, freed from the yoke of Torah and Mitsvos, controlling the Jewish homeland from which Bnei Torah could be excluded or restricted. For the entire Israel ruling class, which managed to outlast the Ottomans, drive out the British and the Palestinians, and to marginalize the non-Ashkenazi and religious Jews, and to establish what they saw as their homeland, it is a bitter pill. After 150 years of struggle, they are facing final defeat, so of course they want to follow mourning rites.

  5. Shall i laugh at the sheer stupidity,
    or should i cry at the secularlizing of religious customs, as the filthy zionists ym”sh wanted, to make kodesh chol. to move away from religion, and turn the religion into something of “historical customs” and nothing more than that???

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