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TERROR IN ISRAEL: Stabbing Attempt At Givat HaTachmoshet Light Rail Station

A female terrorist attempted to stab a security guard at the Givat Hatachmoshet light rail station on Rechov Chaim Bar-Lev Street in Jerusalem on Sunday evening.

The guard opened fire and neutralized the female terrorist. She was lightly injured. She was treated at the scene and evacuated to the hospital

B’Chasdei Hashem, there were no other injuries.

Police Chief Kobi Shabtai happened to be near the area and ran toward the scene:

צילום: בט”ש וחירום

Israel Police

Shabtai can be seen speaking to the security guard in the video below:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. What’s the difference between this female terrorists and
    Jewish Israelis who terrorize Jews blocking traffic and attacking and disrupting Ben Gourion with Israeli flags?
    Lapid Ben Lapid has started a civil war in Israel and GA has not arrested one person in response.
    Israel is heading toward apartite state with the religious community regarded a less of a citizens and less then Arabs by the elites of the state because of US and EU funded BDS.
    Birthrate of the religious and Arabs are 6 times higher than the elite with 1.5 and two dogs in TelAviv.

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