THE FACE OF EVIL: BBC Host: “Israel Is Happy To Kill Children”


In an unfathomable and simply evil twisting of reality, a BBC anchor accused Israel of “being happy to kill children” in an interview with former prime minister Naftali Bennett about the operation in Jenin

The host, Anjana Gadgil, began by saying: “The Israeli military is calling this a ‘military operation,’ but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under 18. Is that really what the military set out to do? To kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?”

“Quite the contrary,” Bennett responded. “All 11 people dead there are militants. The fact that there are young terrorists who decide to hold arms is their responsibility. At the end of the day, over the past year, we’ve had over 50 Israelis murdered, in many cases by terrorists sent by Jenin. Jein has become an epicenter of terror and we have to neutralize the terror. Otherwise, they’ll continue killing us.”

“Terrorists but children – Israeli forces are happy to kill children,” was Gadgil’s mind-boggling answer. She also completely ignored Bennett’s statements that the “innocent” 17-year-olds are murdering Israelis, some of whom were actually children. And when Bennett challenged her what she would call a 17-year-Palestinian who was shooting at her family, she refused to answer.

In the wake of the interview, the HonestReporting media watchdog filed an official complaint against Gadgil to the BBC, stating: “This goes beyond decent journalism, instead making an outrageous claim more akin to a blood libel and certainly not one that could possibly be backed up on a factual level. Instead, Gadgil projects her own bias and maliciously assumes the emotions of Israeli soldiers while falsely charging them as child killers. This outrageous piece of interviewing deserves to be investigated and appropriate action taken.”

The Board of Deputies of British Jews slammed Gadgil, issuing a statement saying: “We are appalled by comments made by a BBC presenter during an interview with former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. The comments made, including the charge that ‘Israeli forces are happy to kill children’ when discussing armed terrorists under the age of 18, is simply disgraceful. This is a clear breach of the Corporation’s own Editorial Guidelines, and we will be contacting the Director General personally to protest in the strongest possible terms.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. “Israel Is Happy To Kill Children”
    …true and so is UK. Both countries promoted a useless and unesseraely “vaccine” on children.

    My point is: If you don’t belive Legacy-news/MSM on Israel, why would believe them on anything else including their Covid lies?

  2. Don’t got the time but many more children with Israeli guns in the west bank then Palestine and they do kill many times children with stones in army vehicles that pose no threat at all just this time it was army fighting not terrorist and they should of of left them alive

  3. Libels against the Jewish people is not a new phenomenon it’s been going on for centuries upon centuries. Stop trying to explain to the antisemites why they are wrong, they couldn’t care less.

  4. I would have said: The IDF is not happy to kill ANYONE. But we must defend our People and our State from ALL terrorists.

  5. From an email about BBC’s pathetic “apology”:

    BBC: “The United Nations raised the issue of the impact of the operation in Jenin on children and young people.”

    What does this sentence have to do with terrorists targeted by IDF which the BBC anchor spoke about with Bennet?

    BBC: “While this was a legitimate subject to examine in the interview, we apologise that the language used in this line of questioning was not phrased well and was inappropriate.”

    Is it a question of phrasing or “language? Is there a perception at BBC “reporting” in line with that sick antiSemitic idea or not?

  6. Of course there will be no suspension or moving her to a more apt position within the BBC as would be done to other such people on television when they question what I guess are “more important” groups of people.
    Note to foreign actors, always make sure your army is nothing but 16-17 year olds, they’re untouchable.

  7. These Palestinians are treated so terribly by the Israelis, that it’s actually in their best interest to be shot dead. Even if their parents/city find it horrifying, their views cannot be binding on the minors, and hence, once the Israeli law dictates that death is in the best interest of Palestinian minors, all English @#*# better shut their *#*@.

  8. @HugeMoore,
    Yes and the worst libel against Jews is the zionist one.
    It has caused the most destruction and spilling of Jewish blood היל”ת.

    I just don’t get what people expect from Esav. These BBC etc. journalists are pure bred Esav, Hashem put in them an inexplainable hatred for Jews- Esav soneh l’Yaakov. trying to fight it will only fan the flames. You can’t fight Hashems’ will. He did it because that is what holds us back from coming closer, as the Brisker Rav said, if the Jew doesn’t make Kiddush, the goy will make Havdalah.
    But again, that IS the very point of zionism. To bring us closer to the goy, to shun anti-Semitism, to fight Hashems’ will so that Jews should become נהיה ככל העמים ח”ו r”l.

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