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ROCK TERROR: “Hurling Stones At Cars Is Attempted Murder; That’s How It Should Be Treated”

Emmanuel Shiloh, a journalist and editor of the B’Sheva newspaper [weekly Dati Leumi newspaper] was injured on Monday night after an Arab threw a stone at him while he was driving in the Shomron.

In a post he published from his hospital bed, he wrote: “Good morning from Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba. I was brought here last night in an ambulance. I was injured by a stone that an Arab terrorist threw at the car in which my wife and I were traveling, on the way back home from celebrating the engagement of friends in Yitzhar.”

“I don’t really remember the details, but my brave wife told me that I was hit by a stone and suffered a strong blow and that I continued to drive to Chavat Gilead, where military forces arrived, followed by a civil ambulance from Yitzhar that evacuated me here.”

“I underwent tests overnight and I may have a fractured jaw. We are waiting for decisions to be made by an oral and maxillofacial doctor – a minor injury, Baruch Hashem. One can only imagine what would have happened, chalilah, if the stone had not hit my cheek but a few centimeters higher, on my temple or skull. Beyond the direct damage from the impact of the stone, it could of course also have ended in a fatal accident.”

Shiloh concluded: “ברוך ה’ הרחמן והמרחם שלא נתננו טרף לשיניהם. In recent years our vehicle was damaged twice by stones thrown on Route 55, once when I was driving and once when our daughter was driving. Both times, these assassination attempts ended in property damage. This time it resulted in a minor injury that could have easily been a severe injury, chalilah. Throwing stones at a moving vehicle is attempted murder. That’s how it should be treated.”

Shiloh’s car after the attack. (Rescuers Without Borders)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The time is long overdue for all truly Torah observant Jews to go into the streets of Israel and demand “2nd Amendment” rights, ie the right of all law abiding Jews to carry firearms and use them in self-defense.

    The non-Jewish French police seem to understand the situation better than many foolish Jews:
    There is a being waged by hordes of Islamic savages against ALL the “infidels”, Jewish or non-Jewish.

  2. correction to previous comment: There is a war being waged by hordes of Islamic savages against ALL the “infidels”, Jewish or non-Jewish.

  3. Couldn’t agree more. The rule for rock throwers, for both the IDF and civilians, should be “shoot to kill”. Unfortunately that will never happen with these weak kneed Israeli governments.

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