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Israel: State Comptroller Critical of State Prosecutor Lador

State Comptroller Justice Micha Lindenstrauss this week had harsh words for State Prosecutor Moshe Lador and the state prosecutor’s office for the lack of cooperation with Israel Police and the foot-dragging in the case of Yisrael Beitenu Party leader Avigdor Lieberman.

In 2007, Lieberman filed a complaint with Lindenstrauss’ office, citing that a police investigation against him was launched in 1998, and the case remains open. The case addresses alleged election funding fraud.

Lindenstrauss’ office turned to then state prosecutor, Eren Shendar, but the response did not address the crux of the state comptroller’s request. Lindenstrauss was told that since a Supreme Court decision on the case was pending, the prosecution could not respond. Following the court’s ruling, Lindenstrauss tried again, and was told a meeting would be held to address the issue. A meeting did take place about 2 months later, at which time a decision was made to prepare a response to the state comptroller.

Lindenstrauss refers to the prolonged process, during which time Lieberman has been compelled to live with an ‘ongoing investigation’ for ten years. He blames the prosecutor of foot-dragging and failing to cooperate with police investigators.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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