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An Israeli Arab from Kalansua Charged With Espionage

Khaled Kashkush, 29, from Kalansua, has become the latest Israeli Arab citizen arrested on charges of espionage, working with Hizbullah against Israel.

The 29-year-old medical student was studying abroad, in Germany, where he linked up with Dr. Muhammad Hashem Kassam. Kashkush was paid thousands of euros for providing information to Kassam, which was passed to Hizbullah.

Kashkush met Kassam when he began his studies in 2002. Kassam, a Lebanese national, was serving as the director of a Lebanese orphan’s organization.

Kashkush reportedly admitted to the allegations against him, ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) officials report. At one point, Kassam instructed him to get a position on the staff of Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center, which treats many IDF soldiers. He was also paid to find additional Israeli Arab students studying in Germany, preferably those in need of money. In total, Kashkush received 13,000 euro for his assistance.

The suspect was taken into custody on July 16th at Ben-Gurion International Airport upon his return from Germany. An indictment was filed against him in the Petach Tikvah District Court including charges of contacting an enemy agent and assisting the enemy in a time of war.

ISA officials report that since Israel unilaterally pulled out of southern Lebanon in 2000, Hizbullah has significantly increased efforts to enlist Israeli Arabs to obtain intelligence information and to perpetrate terror attacks against Israeli targets.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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