WATCH: The Silence Of The United Nations Is Deafening

Screenshots/CBN News - Jerusalem Dateline

As YWN reported earlier this week, terror groups in the Gaza Strip have been indoctrinating young children to commit terror acts in specialized summer camps in the Gaza Strip for years.

Strangely, the UN, which has condemned Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, more times than any other nation in the world, remains silent on the issue. This is true despite the fact that according to its Human Rights Council, using children for military conflicts constitutes a war crime.

Where is the outrage of the “human rights activists” around the world, whose rage spills on the streets if Israel dares to defend itself from these camp directors/terrorists?

The silence is deafening.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. everything comes from Hashem…..perhaps the liberal and left should consider their voice…as fas as I am concerned we also need a new President …..Herzog is not worth one red dime

  2. Wow 😮
    And who is supporting and giving camp tuition discounts and food subsidie to the poor children of Gaza?
    These kids look malnourished.
    Horse from water shortages,
    Walk on a tight robe to get rehabilitated from feet sores.
    Let’s open a Go Fund Me campaign to give them a fighting chance and build them in-house toilets and educate them on cyber security maybe they will love us then????!!!!!!

  3. Why should the UN condemn Palestinian “terrorists” for resisting the Zionist occupation of Palestinian territories? The only “condemning” that should occur is of the heretical Zionist enterprise שר”י that the Gedolim of both past and present have exhorted the Yidden against relentlessly!!

  4. “Yossi Name Edited”, isn’t it wonderful that the Palestinians have advocates like you who would like to believe that the Promised Land was for Avraham Avinu’s other son.

  5. “Yossi Name Edited” – you should be ashamed of yourself. Yes, Islamic jihadists who stab, shoot, and bomb Jewish children for the crime of being Jewish are terrorists, without quotation marks, and regardless of your political opinion. Disgusting.

  6. Yossi Name Edited, I have a question.
    Why have so many tzaddikim and rosehi yeshivah, past and present, told the Yidden in Israel to vote ?in an election that supports the state’s apparatus?

  7. @Yossi; You may not realise, but Palestinian Terrorists have also killed a number of kanoim in Meah Shearim etc. they don’t distinguish between zionists and kanoim.

  8. You know the answer well.
    The Zionists had no permission from the gentiles to create their “State”, and the Zionists were only able to do by terrorizing and fighting both the Arabs and the British to get the latter to leave. So, the gentiles don’t like them for that.

    Their putative “democracy” does not justify the means they used to create their “State”.

    As well, the gentiles know quite well that the Zionists do not represent anyone but themselves and that, therefore, the Zionist Big Lie that their “State” is the “Jewish State” is, as stated, a Big Lie.

    The savages using their children as terrorists is irrelevant to the above.

  9. Hakatan

    The Zionists had permission from the gentiles to create their “State”,
    On 29 November 1947 the UN General Assembly voted on the partition plan, adopted by 33 votes to 13 with 10 abstentions.

  10. Yossi Name Edited, you have a דין of רודף. These animals are out to kill Yidin and you, not only protect their right, but you seem to side with them: THAT, I SUBMIT, RENDERS YOU A רודף מדין תורה. It’s interesting that you posted your blasphemous comment during the week of פרשת פינחס. Were he alive, he would likely have ended your life, as he did the life of זמרי.
    Do teshuva quickly.

  11. Yossi Name Edited. A question for you – even if hakomas hamedine was shelo kedin , what do you think is going to happen to the many millions of yidden living there if you close it down ?

  12. They are not complete monkeys without the politics they do have the ability to end the state of Israel and easy this is just a show of wanting their own dreams and to have the luxury of Israeli people it is not like they do not know how to facilitate the total destruction of that state

  13. @Yossi
    what does the fact that tzionim are reshaim have to do with you supporting murderers?
    Didnt AVraham avinu A”H even daven for Sedom?
    But for you, the fact that ones Hashkafa is wrong is good reason for them to be murdered?
    Ever bothered asking if maybe the Hashkafa of the Palistinians is even worse than zionism? As it most certainly is?
    You should really get to reading sefer Tomer Devora.
    And besides, there is NOT ONE accepted Gadol in Klal Yisroel, including the Heiliger Satmar Rebbe, who agrees to your take on the matter.
    Grow up, stop being “osek” in “klie chamas”.

  14. @.
    Not sure what you mean.
    But its silly of you to say they have the means save the politics.
    Because hashkafa aside, theoretically Israel can wipe the palistinians off the map in a matter of days.
    Of course thats a silly thing and would be wrong on many levels, religiously, politically, and logically.
    But your comment seems to suggest the opposite, so not quite clear what you mean.

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