Kever Rachel to Remain Open on Tisha B’Av

kr1.jpgThe weekly Hebrew Mishpacha Magazine reports that despite rumors to the contrary, Kever Rachel will be open to visitors on Tisha B’Av, adding they are preparing for over 40 buses to arrive on motzei Shabbos.

Officials acknowledge that it is possible that authorities at the last minute will inform them that the decision was made to close the holy site, but this is not likely.

Officials do report there has been an ongoing water pressure problem at the kever, but the pleas for correcting the issue appear to be falling on deaf ears.

“We realize that it is possible for them to announce the kever is closed on erev Tisha B’Av, without any specific reason, but we are hopeful this will not occur this year” the statement reads.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. I go through the Tzena Urena every Tisha Bav. The last part, which tells of Mama Rochel and how she “beits” (requests good) for her children is most moving for me. And Hashem’s promise of “Veshavu Banim L’gvulam” brings me to tears. May this be the year that Rochel’s and all of our tefillos are answered.

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