“Masmid Of Ponevezh” Writes Chiddushei Torah While Preparing Coffee

The "Masmid of Ponevezh" writes chiddushei haTorah while preparing a cup of coffee. (B'Chadrei Chareidim)

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Berman, known as the “masmid of Yeshivas Ponevezh” goes to the yeshivah kitchen once a day to prepare himself a cup of coffee, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

But even on his coffee break, HaRav Chaim, 84, carries a pen and notebook in order not to miss any chiddushei Torah that may come to mind as he’s preparing his coffee.

Additionally, he feels his cup only halfway with hot water and the other half with cold water. Why? In order to drink it quickly and get back to learning as soon as possible.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Ha Ha! My mother did the same water thing with her coffee. Then she scribbled her daily shopping list. Then she gulped down her coffee and threw us 8 kids in the van to take us to school. Oy!

  2. Kol Haloavod To YWN for publishing this. Even if we can’t emulate these people, but at least we should know that these gedolim exist, and when we keep writing about them, they end up being the examples.
    With comments like this, that’s why your cholent mit kugel

  3. This post is connected to the one a little bit ago about BMG drinking thousands of cups of coffee. Some personal dig. And now the contrast…maturity is becoming less and less common.

  4. To Yeps:
    Exactly! Mother gulped her coffee in order to get Shabbos food purchased early, so she could make a Cholent mit kugel!
    She took that brilliant chidush out of her housecoat pocket. “Bones, Cholent meat, onions,potatos, beans, barley …….

  5. Is it just me or is ywn showing us different gedolim recently almost as a referendum on the next gadol hador? They sound like introducing…

  6. Here is a sheilah
    Maybe if he made the coffee hotter he could stay out longer to write more chidushe torah….
    This man does not walk 4 Amos without torah . Inside or outside He is always busy with torah .
    Friend of mine met him on the street 40 years ago – asked him what he was thinking about .
    He responded by saying out Tosfos Bechoros – Question – answer lfi haseder shel hadaf

  7. Boruch she kivanti! Although I don’t have the chutzpah to compare myself to this Goan, I also fill half cold so that I can run back to Beis Medrash. It also avoids shailoh of bracho achrona and avoids kovod bais ha medrash problem of spilling coffee.

  8. Gevaldig!

    I heard about him in shmuessen, now I can see him!

    BTW, this is not news, maybe it belongs in YWN Coffee Room… Lol

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