WATCH: Video Of Woman Harassing Chareidi Goes Viral: “It’s My Right To Wear 7 Streimelach”

Yisrael Hirsch during his IDF service.

A video of a secular woman harassing a Chareidi man on a bus in Hod HaSharon went viral on Monday.

Srulik Hirsch, who happens to be an IDF reserve officer and works as a lawyer in the Tel Aviv Prosecutor’s Office, was riding on the bus in Hod HaSharon, where he lives, when a secular woman began harassing him: “Why didn’t you serve in the army? All the Chareidim are parasites.”

Hirsch answered back, saying: “Why do you assume that I didn’t serve in the army?”

Woman: Because that’s what you look like.

Hirsch: What makes me look that way? Because I’m wearing a kippah and a white shirt?

Woman: Yes. You need to go to the army, you and your brothers.

Hirsch: Well it’s simply unacceptable that you go around judging people. I served in the army.

Woman: Kol Hakavod

Hirsch: Don’t tell me Kol HaKavod. The fact that you’re judging me in front of the entire bus whether I served in the army or not because I’m wearing a kippah is unacceptable.

Woman: So why are you wearing a kippah?

Hirsch: Why? Because that’s my belief and my right. And I live here in Hod HaSharon and it’s my right to travel on the bus here. And it’s unbelievable that every time I get on a bus in Hod HaSharon, in the city I live, I get scornful remarks from people like you. And listen, I’m a captain in the reserves. I served in one of the most elite units in the IDF.

Woman: But why do you dress like that? With all those shtreimelach?

Hirsch: It’s my right to walk around exactly how I like, with a streimel, with a kippah, with a white shirt. And if I want, I can also walk around with seven streimelach. That’s democracy! And it’s simply shameful how you’re behaving.

Woman: You’re in an Amish cult?

Hirsch: You’re a chutzpanit. I’m in the State of Israel and I should be embarrassed to walk around with a kippah and payos like a Jew? Why? You walk around as you like and so will I.

The woman, who couldn’t handle hearing the truth, then repeated that he’s part of a cult and he should “shut his sewage up.”

Hirsch: Sewage? I answered you matter-of-factly and the Chareidi sector will not be ashamed to walk around as it wants.

The video quickly went viral on social media, with many expressing satisfaction that Hirsch put the woman in her place, and several posting a photo of Hirsch during his army service. Many others commented that the fact that Hirsch is an IDF officer in an elite army unit is irrelevant as all Jews should have the right to dress as they want without being belittled in public.

Social media user Yoni Eisenstein wrote an apt comment with a hashtag of “Jewish State 1933” – “It’s not the army. It’s not ‘equality of the burden.’ It’s not the core curriculum. It’s the kippah!”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

39 Responses

  1. Yes, Kol Hakavod.
    But, he has to understand that he is an Exception. 99% of Shtreimel wearers would rather let their brothers fight in the army instead of them.

  2. ader: not that is not the point. 100% of shtriemel wearers are entitled to sit on a bus without some goya from ukraine harassing them.

  3. ader –

    you’re as stupid and as vile as all the other people in Hod HaSharon and elsewhere, in Eretz Yisrael or anywhere in the world, who have that ‘perspective’.

    Hinei yamim ba’im, neum H shm ELO KIM –

    shuv yom echad lifnei …..

  4. @Ader,
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
    There’s no excuse for that hateful venom whether he goes to the army or not.
    Is this Berlin 1933?
    If this is the Zionist dream you’re proud of, where a frum person gets spit upon cause their frum, then enjoy!

  5. Kol Hakavod. In the whole free world you can dress how you want only in the so called jewish state not.
    One jews hates the other. What Land is this? Im sure this lady even dont know one small autiot of tehillim
    but she knows what is christmas.Thats what she has learned in the public Schools of Lapid and Liebermann.

  6. Ader, you obviously didn’t read the article. She asked him why he’s wearing a kipah, as if it’s a shameful disgusting manner of dress. She even said he’s cultish for choosing to be a Jew!

  7. @ader
    Your comment is exactly like the women.
    Her point was obviously not that the guy didn’t serve in the army, because after he told her the elite unit that he served, she went on a whole rampage how you guys are parasites. Her point was that he’s wearing a Yarmulke!

    Oh and btw this guy is so sharp, and honest. Kol hakavod to him for defending Hashem

  8. He unfortunately has to fathom a lot worse.
    No matter what he and his likes are gonna do, they will forever be shunned in the “Jewish State” that he fought for.
    Serving in the IDF is not permissible by our holy Torah. He innocently served it and is still being scorned upon. They hate a YID. PERIOD. No matter if he’s a Zionist or not. Why dont people get it?
    It’s the Jewish way, the Torah way that will never fly with secular Israelis. They despise us.
    And this poor yingerman is already trying to do “whats right” and he’s the same parasite as all of us.
    Nice lesson to be learned.

  9. @ader, you missed his point. This woman was more “offended” by his kippah than whether or not he served in the army. That was just her excuse to blast him and the rest of us. She, like many others, feels that living in the State of Israel is Jewish enough, and there is no need for a kippah or any other mitzvos. So if he exercises his right to dress as a Jew too, she feels out of place. And it’s easier to blame the frum than to accept the fact that they can hold onto their beliefs in the way they choose to.

  10. @ader: Brothers? Jews who do not submit themselves to Hashem’s will are not our brothers, certainly not ones worth defending or joining dangerous endeavors with.

  11. A 1/10,000 person who verbally attacks haredim on a bus encounters a 1/5,000 haredi who served in the army.

    What does this add up to: Nothing.

    Extrapolate from the norm, not the exception.

  12. Ader, You need to understand that being prejudiced is WRONG anywhere in the world ESPECIALLY in ISRAEL a country that came into existing because of the hatred we endured as result of discrimination and prejudice! When will the leftist chiloni Morons understand that the way they are treating frum people in Israel is diametrically opposed to what they “officially” stand for which acceptance of everyone?? They want Isaraeli’s to treat Arabs like brothers yet they treat their own brothers like enemys and foes. Just to finish off it is disgraceful that as a frum person the only place i have been discriminated against is by chilonim is Israel NOT in Europe, NOT in the US, not in the Far East…

  13. “their brothers”

    Let them stop shmadding us, then we’ll talk about brotherly responsibilities. No one asked them to make a state, put us in danger, and then expect us to cooperate and share a burden that THEY created and use as a tool of secularization.

  14. @ader the evil zionist movement shouldn’t have created an army and the following wars in the first place. The fact that some people are weak enough to join the army with a kippa doesn’t not kasher the pig. i promise you, anyone who doesn’t join the army because of yiras shamayim wishes that no yidden would fight for the zionist state. The pre-state Gedolim were clear that we should leave the rulership in the hands of the goyim, it would behoove us to figure out how to return it to them today

  15. Hurray for our brothers, no matter stripe or shtreimel.
    May HKBH protect all of us who demonstrate allegiance to the true flag of Yisroel, no matter the PM.

  16. ader- You are talking absolute RUBBISH! 99% of all haredim will line up at the lishkat giyuss and join the army if the gedolei Yisroel say they must do this.

    They listen to gedolei Yisroel and kol hakovod for that!

  17. They create a state and an army and now its our obligation to fight in it! Noone asked them to, we were doing just fine in E”Y before they came, Thank you very much!

  18. Well what do you know. Some Israeli women are jerks, and some Israeli men in white shirts and black yarmulkes are IDF officers.

  19. @ader,
    the first part of your sentence is true, not so the second part, sorry.
    we don’t let “our” brothers etc, “instead” of us.
    at the end of the day, someone who sells himself/herself out to the zionist satan, is really unanswerable to such a woman.
    for someone who considers him/herself a nationalist zionist, whether religious or not, does not believe in authentic Judaism, as the two are diametric opposites.
    therefore, him going with a kipa really is funny. b/c, if he understand that he needs to go to the army (ch”v), he shouldn’t be going around faking to be a religious Jew, b/c it is the opposite!!

  20. @ader
    and 99% of those in the army would let their brothers Practice JUDAISM INSTEAD OF THEM!

    If the left would stop persecuting religion, you may find that there would be a better understanding on “sharing the (zionist and secularist made) Burden.

  21. @ader: 100% of Streimel wears would rather that the Israeli government make the army a professional army rather than a mandatory one. Hint: Focus on tech. The army’s getting a bit saturated with the amount of people it can hold and actually give real jobs to. And why are you only ragging on the “brothers” in Israel? Why not rag on 99.9% of the Jewish population that doesn’t serve? How about recognizing that the army is a place where they are attempting to brainwash you into being Israeli first and religious second?

  22. Ader, you are such a kool-aid drinker. Since you’re so accurate about your numbers, could you tell me what percentage of not-yet-Shomrei Torah uMutzvos also do not partake in military service? And what’s so terrible if שירות לאומי services that people opt for is that other than military service? The point is community services! You drink their kool-aid and read their text script! Use your own head and think! Think! Think!

  23. What we need to do is find out where he got his Chinuch. Clearly it is possible to serve in the army, get a secular education remain totally frum. This young man should be a role model for his peers and lesson to those who say anyone who joins the Army will go off the Derech. If only all of our young men received the same obviously excellent education as he did.

  24. I don’t care about the talk in ibrit it was cute then funny but the fact is the greatest of soul could not stay a yid in that army it has nothing to do with saving Jewish lives only for luster of this world and it won’t happen that yidden will survive in that army and waist there life

  25. “Hirsch: I served in the army…
    Woman: So why are you wearing a kippah?”

    That’s the crux of it: Zionism is all about changing Jews and Judaism into a pagan land-based idolatry. Hence her question.

    As well, the Zionist is, of course, wrong. As avira noted, the Zionists decided to invade and make a State and shmad Jews worldwide to get them to believe the Zionist Big Lie of their State being the “Jewish” State, which it is not. The Zionists invaded; they can fight in their army.

    Besides, the Zionists don’t just fight in their army; they indoctrinate/shmad Jews as to what Judaism is, in their heretical Zionist view. That is also unacceptable.

  26. @aml, yes and it’s also possible to chain smoke two packs a day, and live till age 90. Will you advise your children to take that chance?

  27. I am an Orthodox Jew and I am 100% behind this guy Srulik Hirsch. For this secular woman harassing young man is wrong, disgusting and shameful especially assuming that she is Jewish. However I think Chareidi Jews should NOT harass secular men and especially women the way they are dressed. I am afraid it happens a lot. As much I personally don’t like or accept their code of dress, it’s their right as well.

  28. The Muslims in Israel wear whatever they want, they don’t serve in the army and they get all the government programs but the secular love them…but dressing like a Chareidi? It’s ok to hate them according to these “Jewish” lefties! How is this a “Jewish” state? This “Jewish state” has expelled their brothers and sisters from their homes and this “Jewish state” allows hate speech against Chareidi Jews while preaching against the anti-Semitism displayed by other countries…hypocrites.

  29. I’m impressed that instead of aiming the camera at the woman he aimed it at himself. I don’t know why he did it but it shows me a level of kavod habri’us, that in case the video goes viral no one wud actually see who the woman is and avoid embarrassing her.
    That’s MY kol hakavod officer!

  30. Miriam the Posek paskens that Osur the serve according our holy torah , will the honorable posek[es] please bring some quotes and mare mekomos ? Plus where she got Smicha from ? Which Yeshiva she learned ? Under who ?

  31. Straight talk; This Man knows that the Non-Chareidy Zionist have a very low opinion of Men who don’t want to share in the burden of national defense.
    He also knows that the vast majority of people with the Chasidic Uniform do not serve in the army.
    He also knows that it’s not advisable to wear the Uniform of Immoral people, (wild example would be the KKK).
    So, why is he so shocked about her questioning about his Levush?

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