AGAIN: Leftists Harass Barkat At Econmic Conference, 3 Arrested


Left-wing “Brothers in Arms” protesters heckled Economy Minister Nir Barkat during his speech at an economic conference in Sderot on Tuesday.

One member of the audience yelled at the protesters: “I have businesses in Sderot. You don’t even live in the area. I came to hear how I’m supposed to handle the damage caused by the Gaza operation. Why are you harming my parnassah?”

Many local residents shouted at the protesters to “go back to Tel Aviv.”

Police officers who were called to the scene ordered the protesters to leave the building or face arrest. Three protesters were arrested, including Amir Haskel, an ex-IDF pilot who is one the leading figures in the protests against the Netanyahu government.

The protesters also made a ruckus outside the building.

Below, Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi silences the protesters, saying that both left-wing and right-wing speakers deserve respect and he would have loved to have also seen them protesting in the city when rockets were being launched at it from Gaza. “Stop being violent and engage in your populism outside,” he said, to the applause of the audience.

Barkat was harassed by Israeli leftists in Boston on his recent trip to the States as well as a month ago at a conference in the Galil and the previous month, in Tel Aviv.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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