Israel: Right-Wing Buying Helmets Ahead of a Future Expulsion

am.jpgShai Gefen of the Land of Israel Forum insists the scenes that were viewed at Amona and elsewhere will never be repeated and he and his organization are already busying themselves – preparing for the eventuality of another expulsion sometime in the future.

Towards that end, they are buying quantities of helmets at a cost of NIS 150 each, with Shai explaining that will provide protection for those who resist such a move, a line of defense against the batons of police units. For now the helmets are being stored in a Kiryat Malachi facility, and can be pulled into action at a moment’s notice.

Boaz Haetzni, who is working to renew the northern Shomron community of Chomesh, which was also eradicated by Ariel Sharon’s expulsion cabinet, vows that there will never again be a scenario in which Jews are removed from their homes without a fight. “There will be war” he told reporters, sending a clear message to politicians that they will never again “get away” with such a policy without meeting serious resistance.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

2 Responses

  1. Countries in which citizens arm themselves in order to fight the police and army tend to be countries whose long term prospects are poor, especially since almost half the population of Eretz Yisrael are Arabs. If this involves more than a few nutcases, this suggests that any Jew wishing to stay in Eretz Yisrael in the long term probably should be learning Arabic and getting used to Islamic law (not a big problem from the orthodox, a big challenge for the secular).

  2. Reply to no 1 First you have your stats wrong The Arabs are about 1/5-1/6 of Israel’s population. Second, as one who was expelled from Gush Katif and injured in Amona with 4 days in hospital afterwards, I was ready for a fight becaue that is what it is all about either on a personal level to fight the Yetzer Haraa or nationally to fight misguided leaders who will do anything for a buck and covering ass (including the religious and ultra orthodox). I was amazed that in Gush Katif no one would stand up because it would lead to civil war. Well IT WAS CIVIL WAR WITH THE EXPULSION (TO COVER SHARON’S SON’S ASSES) AND IN AMONA WHERE THE VIOLENCE (PROBABLY MOSTLY RUSSSIAN JEWS BUT CERTAINLY ISRAELI SOLDIERS WHO PUSHED ME OVER AN EMBANKMENT)WAS JEW AGAINST JEW! SO enough of the crap about that. Your negative sarcasm indicates you do not live in Israel and don’t know the reality. IT IS TIME TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. We fast today on Tisha B’Av for the lost city of Jerusalem and the Temple(s) lost plus other tragedies of the Jewish Nation. But we have Jerusalem which is alive and maybe not so well and full of orthodox (that is another problem of their so called loyalties and beliefs in waiting for Mashicach to bring the third temple from the Heavens (like any shizophrenic who believes in unreality) while taking the dole from the State and it was them – the Degel HaTorah party that kept the Shaorn boys in business so Gush Katif and Northern Sharon could fall – and they need fixing. And the temple mount is ours but we look to the world for a reaction should we decide IT IS OURS rather than fulfilling the prophecy of retaking the Har Habeit in loyalty to HaShem and not to delay out of loyalty to the antisemitic world and our weak leaders inclulding our so called spiritual leaders called Rabbis who deserted Gush Katif at its’ moment of need and now leave us leaderless spiritually to face a rudderless crew. SO IF HELMETS ARE NEEDED SO BE IT AND IT IS NOT A FANATIC FEW. MANY WAIT FOR OTHERS TO TAKE THE LEAD AND THEN FOLLOW. BUT WE MUST BE LIKE NACHSHON WHO TRUSTED IN HASHEM AND TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH!

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