The Rosh Yeshivah’s Segulah That Cured A Rare Medical Problem

HaGaon HaRav Chaim Feinstein. (Shuki Lehrer)

A story about a baby who was cured of a rare medical problem after the father received a bracha from Rosh Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Feinstein, is making its rounds in Israel.

The story began about seven months ago when a newborn was diagnosed with an extremely rare medical problem of a lack of a certain component in the blood. Due to the problem, the doctors said that a bris milah had to be delayed indefinitely since it posed too much risk to the baby’s life.

The parents began consulting with medical professionals in order to find a cure for their son, including the possibility of treatment abroad. The father was also very troubled by the fact that he couldn’t make a bris milah for his son. Before Purim, his Rosh Kollel advised him to go to the home of HaRav Feinstein, who is known for the power of his brachos, on Purim and ask for a bracha.

On Purim, the Rosh Kollel accompanied the father to the Rosh Yeshivah’s home and described the problem and asked for a bracha that the father would be able to fulfill the important mitzvah of bris milah. The Rosh Yeshivah said a perek of Tehillim and a mi shebereich and then turned to the father and said: “Deliver a shiur in public on hilchos milah, it will be a zechus for you.”

Tbe Rosh Kollel arranged for the father to deliver a short shiur every day on hilchos milah in the kollel.

Two week ago, the baby was tested and to the astonishment of the doctors, the tests showed that his problem had completely disappeared. However, the doctors wanted to confirm the surprising results and scheduled further testing. Last week, the father concluded the shiur after reviewing all the hilchos milah. Two days later, additional tests confirmed that the baby was completely healthy. The next day, a joyous Bris Milah was held.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Amazing, Is any address and Tel. # to get in Toutch with Rosh Yeshiva ?
    EMERGENCY CASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Is Rabbi related to Reb Moshe Feinstein ?

  2. And maybe it’s a disease that disappears after awhile
    I cant possibly be impressed by this rabbi, I just keep thinking how my whole family was destroyed in the shoah -where were the rabbis then that could do what this rabbi supposedly did?

  3. moishekapoieh:
    There were lots of Rabbis available then. But that was a time of “din”/judgement, which was obviously a far more dangerous time for all than a normal time of mercy.

  4. R’ Chaim Feinstein is the great-nephew of R’ Moshe, and his mother was the daughter of the Brisker Rav. His father, R’ Michel has chiddushim on almost the whole Shas.
    R’ Chaim is the Rosh Yeshiva of R’ Sholom Ber Sorotzkin’s yeshiva gedolo, Ateres Shlomo as well as Beis Yehuda.
    Recently he featured in the media with photos of him fahering Gerrer yungerleit on the entire Shas, he is sitting next to the Rebbe and there are thousands in the audience.
    His phone number in Bnei Berak is 03 6196527.

    you are a letz and possibly an apikores for speaking way. Gedolei Torah are not G-d. Neither can they cannot ‘control Him’. However after learning Torah בעמלה וביגיעה בתמדה ובשקידה for many years, as well as הרבצת התורה they 1) have דעת תורה and know / understand דרכי השם much better than the rest of us. So they can know (or feel) what zechusim can פועל in שמים.
    2) They have many zechusim, as well as זכות אבות and their brochos and tefillos can achieve more and quicker than ours.

    The Shoah was a huge gezeira, that needed much much more zechusim to overcome. Even Moshe Rabbeinu could not completely undo the geziros after the Egel and after the Meraglim. And Moshe Rabbeinu was almost infinitely greater than the Eliyohu hanovi and the Tanoim who could perform Techiyas HaMeisim.

    So it’s no wonder that the Gedolim could not over turn the gezeira of the Shoah.
    Even R’ Chaim Feinstein’s grandmother (the Brisker Rav’s wife) and some of her children were killed by the Nazis.

    Having said that, it is commonly accepted that the developments of the Holocaust were not widely known and took most Jewry by surrpise. There was little time to do mass tefilla and tshuva, fasting etc. by the time it was already too late. In Eretz Yisroel however, the threat that Rommel was about to invade was very well known and there were many tzadikim who davened, fasted etc. and [although we cannot know for sure it was in their merits] in the end it was miraculous that he did not invade and there was no Holocaust in Israel.

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