INCREDIBLE AHAVAS YISROEL: HaRav Bergman Practiced English Just To Support Those Struggling With Shidduchim

Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi, HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman, who received a rare p’sak that he can speak at the Adirei HaTorah event despite the fact that he was sitting shiva for his son, displayed his tremendous Ahavas Yisrael during his speech, expressing his concern for those struggling with shidduchim.

The Rosh Yeshivah especially learned and practiced English to be able to convey an eitzah from his father-in-law, the Avi Ezri, z’tl.

At the end of his speech, HaRav Bergman said, first in Yiddish and then in English: “There’s something on my heart – the matzav in Klal Yisrael of the number of girls struggling with shidduchim is heartbreaking. I would like to give over something to help from my father-in-law, HaGaon HaRav Shach, zt’l. One should be mekabel to be careful to say Birchas Hamazon from inside a siddur [or bentcher] and not say it by heart. And with the Abeishter’s help, it will be a zechus to quickly find your zivug.”

According to the p’sak, when HaRav Bergman entered the hall, he wasn’t greeted by live music and instead, the audience stood up to recite: “HaMakom Yenacheim Eschem” as seen in the video below:

When HaRav Bergman left the hall, instead of being escorted out by the band, the participants, consisting of over 25,000 lomdei Torah, stood up to sing for him.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. If I may suggest another segula, based on a story in which the Bobover Rebbe, ztl, once went to visit a chassid on Purim who was married for some years without children. When the chassid offered him a glass of wine (for Purim) he asked instead for water so he could make a brocho “Borei nefashos rabbos” (Who creates many souls). When a second chassid present who was nine years since his last child asked if they Rebbe could have him in mind also, the Rebbe answered, “It says nefashos rabbos, many souls, so it can include more than one.” Within a year both chassidim had children and eventually became mechutanim when those two children married each other. I hold that most if not all of the segulos for married people to have children can also help for people who want to make sheduchim in order to have children. Thus if the shidduch candidate and his/her family make that brocho with good kavana it can certainly help. HOWEVER, as a sequel to that story, I tell another story I heard around 40 years ago from a Russian immigrant in the Absorption Center in Cfar Chabad whose father was a friend of the Ribnitzer Rebbe in Russia and whose brother became a chassid of the Rebbe. When the Ribnitzer left Russia and moved to America the chassid was in the Russian air force, and as soon as he got out he applied to go visit his Rebbe in America but the Russians told him that they wouldn’t let him out of Russia for at least 15 years until the military secrets he knew had cooled down somewhat. Unhappy about this, the chassid wrote to his father, by then living in Bnei Brak, who went to see the Ribnitzer on his next visit to Eretz Yisroel and tell him the story. “What, my chassid they’re going to keep there for 15 years!?? He didn’t hear them right, they didn’t say 15 years, they said five months.” and five months and two days later the boy left Russia. When I told this story to an Israeli Litvish Rosh Yeshiva I was close to at the time he wasn’t so impressed. “Really, every Jew has a peh kadosh, a holy mouth, and has the ability to accomplish things like this. Sadly, many people defile the sanctity of their holy mouths with anger, falsehood, lashon horo, etc. and lose this ability, but someone who carefully protects the sanctity of this mouth like the Ribnitzer, it’s not so surprising that he can get anything he says to come about.”  So it could be that for the Bobover’s segula to work one might have to be very careful with the sanctity of his mouth like the Ribnizer. In any case, I hope all those who need shidduchim get them as soon as possible.

  2. I hate to say this cause it pains him but not me I want a wealthy beautiful girl with yichus so the more that there is then maybe it can happen

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