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High Fuel Costs Prompts Israir To End Its Flights To New York

israir.jpgIsrair Airlines announced today that it will suspend flights to New York on September 13 because they are not economical. The airline promised to find alternatives for all passengers who booked flights after this date.

It is interesting to note, that this is the second time that Israir has suspended the route. A few months ago, it transferred the route to another airline, claiming that it was waiting to receive its new Airbus. Three months later, the airline resumed the route with the Airbus, but is now again suspending operations on it.

Israir obtained designated carrier status on the Tel Aviv-New York route after a long struggle against the Ministry of Transport and El Al Israel Airlines Ltd. At the height of the struggle, El Al petitioned the High Court of Justice, claiming that the state had violated its promise of exclusivity on the route.

Israir reportedly decided to suspend its New York flights because of escalating fuel prices and in expectation of a drop in the number of passengers to and from the US because of the weakness of the dollar.

(Source: Globes)

9 Responses

  1. What a load of garbage. First off, where will it be profitable? Pennsylvania? New Yorkers are there main clients. And rising fuel cost? Prices are going down! There’s got to be more to the story.

  2. I can’t believe it. What about all those bookings for Succos. Because there is a Shabbos between
    Yom Kippur and Succos, there are fewer flights
    and options.It’s a great loss.

  3. #1 (politics ) — You have no idea what you are talking about. Firstly, the only city outside of Europe where Israir flies is New York (check their web site!) Secondly, airlines don’t buy their gas at the gas station on the corner, where prices go up and down everyday. They lock in gas prices on the futures market for longer period of times, so they aren’t affected by daily price volatility. But at some point, those lock-in prices expire and they are faced with higher prices.

    Especially, at this time of year (really you should all the time), you should think about making such inciteful statements.

  4. this is awful now elal will raise prices again in the name of “fuel taxes”!!!!!!!!!!! those tzionim~!!!!!!!

  5. Actually almost all the airlines are having very serious problems and according to the Wall Street Journal, many are in serious danger of either going bankrupt or at least having to substantially cut back service (raise fares which reduces passengers, and reduce flights). It could easily be that the era of going to Israel for the holidays, or to learn for year, may be over for all except the extremely wealthy.

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