‘ובלכתך בדרך’: HaRav Bergman Engages In Pilpul Torah On The Way To The US

Photo: Shuki Lehrer

Rosh Yeshivas Rashbi, HaGaon HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman, one of the Zakeinei Chevrei Moetzes HaTorah and the son-in-law of the Avi Ezri, z’tl, left Eretz Yisrael on Wednesday evening for a chizzuk trip to the US.

The week-long trip is the Rosh Yeshivah’s first trip outside Eretz Yisrael in four years due to the restrictions on travel during the COVID pandemic. HaRav Bergman agreed to the many requests of the Rosh Yeshivos of Lakewood to serve as the guest of honor at the huge Adirei HaTorah event on Sunday at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

The Rosh Yeshivah was accompanied on the trip by his son, HaRav Ben-Tzion Bergman, and a small number of other close family members and is scheduled to travel directly to Lakewood after landing.

While waiting in the airport for his flight, the Rosh Yeshivah was seen engaging in a pilpul Torah with his traveling companions and the Rav of the Airports Authority, HaRav Nissim Elmaliach.

Photo: Shuki Lehrer
Photo: Shuki Lehrer
Photo: Shuki Lehrer
Photo: Shuki Lehrer
Photo: Shuki Lehrer

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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