‘פת במלח תאכל:’ “Abba Would Eat The Dry Bread The Children Didn’t Want”

HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Yehudah Edelstein is maspid his father, z'tl, at the levaya on Tuesday. (Screenshot)

HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Yehudah Edelstein, the son of the Rosh Yeshivah, z’tl, and one of the Roshei Yeshivah of Yeshivas Orchos Ish, said during his hesped that his father regularly ate the leftover dry bread that no one else wanted.

“Abba would mention minimizing taivah in many of his sichos,” HaRav Tzvi Yehudah said. “We saw him fulfill this regularly. He would drink tea – hot tea. He would say: ‘Sugar isn’t necessary. Tea without sugar is fine. It’s fine without the tea essence as well.’ That’s what he would call drinking tea – no tea and no sugar.”

“I remember that at home there would always be leftover bread – the dry bread that the children didn’t want. He would regularly eat this – he would take only the leftovers. He would dip it into the hot water and that’s what he would eat – that was his ‘taanug’. That’s how he was zocheh to learn Torah lishmah.”

Rav Tzvi Yehudah also spoke about his father’s yiras Shamayim that most people didn’t even notice since his father hid it from everyone.

“For years, he refrained from eating a certain food on Pesach that everyone else ate at home. Even Ima didn’t realize that he didn’t eat it – he hid it.”

“I remember one winter years ago and he missed saying Kiddush Levanah when everyone else said it. The weather at that time was very stormy. It was still rainy and cloudy the last night that it was possible to say Kiddush Levanah. He stood on the porch that night and waited and waited and waited – and in the early hours of the morning, he was zocheh to be able to say Kiddush Levanah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. He was a Heilige Yid זצ”ל. His humble character and Yiras Shomaim were exemplary.
    For anyone that knows about the Lubavitch Town of Klimovich, it’s גאונים and יראי שמים and It is noticeable that he learned by Lubavitcher Chasidim.

  2. Zalman in klimovich everybody slept in the sukah like it says in halacha
    From the days of the tzemach tzedek even in the cold and they liked it did not become meshuga from it

  3. If only our political leaders (at both sides of the aisle) would adopt a tiny fraction of the tzinius in the way that the Rav, Z’L, lived his life instead of the ostentatious manner in which they conduct themselves. Grossly expensive lifestyles, eating Lobster at 4 Star Michelin restaurants, exhorbitant vacations (with platoons of security personnel) are now the norm. One can represent the State of Israel with foreign governments in a much simpler and less costly manner than the hundreds of millions of NIS that are now routinely budgeted .

  4. now that r gershon passed, sicko says something nice. if all the lobster eating rabbis were…. Sicko wouldn’t besmirch them, either. Maybe you could just close your mouth and don’t talk at all? ha ha. Just dreaming.

  5. er sorry.
    i reread sicko’s post, & by “political leaders” he means “politicians,” not “head of the moetzes”. So my previous comment is mostly moot. Not that I’m apologizing. sicko’s complete change of subject, though completely characteristic, pales in comparison to his habit of scoffing all people and things holy. so his change of subject and poor word choice threw me off.

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