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Dichter Calls Livni’s Conditional Candidacy “Illegitimate”

Senior Kadima leadership hopeful Avi Dichter is calling Tzipi Livni’s candidacy “illegitimate” after she refused to sign a document stating that she will not leave the party if she is defeated in the primary race.

Dichter, who is seeking the top slot as well, stated candidates running for the party leadership must sign the declaration and those who do not “should reconsider competing in the race”.

Dichter was making reference to remarks by Livni who expressed concerns that a new leader may take the party in a new direction. Dichter stated that a “new face” at the helm does not mean a “new direction,” stating with confidence that the four candidates will all carry the party in the same direction.

Running in the party leadership race are Dichter, Livni, Shaul Mofaz and Meir Sheetrit.

The party leaders on Monday decided to retract a demand that candidates sign the declaration that they will remain in Kadima win or loose, seemingly to accommodate Livni, the leading candidate.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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