FILLED WITH HATE: CUNY Law School Commencement Speaker Attacks Israel, US, Capitalism, Police [SEE THE VIDEO]

In a hate-filled commencement ceremony of the City University of New York’s (CUNY) law school, graduating student Fatima Mousa Mohammed delivered a speech advocating for a radical movement aimed at confronting America’s “oppressive” institutions and standing up against Israel.

In her speech, she said that American law is a “manifestation of white supremacy” and that she chose CUNY School of Law because it equips its students with the tools to protect “organizers” that are working to “confront the systems of oppression that wreak violence on them, systems of oppression, created to feed an empire with a ravenous appetite for destruction and violence.”

She celebrated the fact that the school endorsed BDS and enabled its students to fight “Israeli settler colonialism.” She also said that Israel “continues to indiscriminately rain bullets and bombs on worshippers, murdering the old, the young, attacking even funerals and graveyards, as it encourages lynch mobs to target Palestinian homes and businesses.”

In addition, Mohammed also referred to the Holyland Five – five U.S. citizens affiliated with the Holyland Foundation who are imprisoned for having funneled millions of dollars to Hamas – as “political prisoners.” She wished that the joy and rage that fills the auditorium will be “the fuel for the fight against capitalism, racism, imperialism, and Zionism around the world.”

Mohammed concluded: “No longer are we going to capitulate to the oppressors, no longer are we going to put our hope in their depraved consciousness… Greater empires of destruction have fallen before, and so will these.”

New York Rep. Ritchie Torres tweeted in response to the speech: “Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation. Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.”

Mohammed has a long history of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish vitriol.

At a rally in NYC in March 2022, Mohammed had urged the crowd to demand that “Zionist” professors be banned from college campuses and that “Zionist” students not be allowed in the same “spaces” as Palestinians. Mohammed also said that Zionism is a “genocidal threat to us.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. That filthy den of treasonous América hating rabies infected sewer rats, needs to be fumigated and burned to the ground

  2. Commonsaychal, the way the world is headed, they will soon be the most sought after. We are in big trouble.

  3. What would happen to any Jew who spoke with such venom, publicly, about any other group of people, even terrorists who have been found guilty? Their lives would be threatened.

  4. The previous comments have missed the Titanic-sized boat completely.
    The state of our Galus is deteriorating rapidly. The ugly spectre of active hatred presents itself alarmingly with increasing frequency. This isn’t about CUNY or liberalism. Or any other silly political puppet . Kol Yom Klilaluso Meruba Mishel Chaveirta.
    Ain Lanu Lehishaein Ella Al Avinu Shebashamayim.

  5. I’m more afraid of the applause she got. If she’s one person that is sick but if the whole crowd is on the same page that SHOULD SCARE US.

  6. Do you think she paid full price for education, or did she get any special scholarships? Special internships? Will the same bar association who threw Rudy G. out accept her anti-Americanism with open arms? – assuming she passes the bar.

  7. “New York Rep. Ritchie Torres tweeted in response to the speech: “Imagine being so crazed by hatred for Israel as a Jewish State that you make it the subject of your commencement speech at a law school graduation. Anti-Israel derangement syndrome at work.””

    Too bad that people continue to believe the Zionist Big Lie about the Zionist “State” being Jewish. The Zionist “State” is Zionist and not Jewish.

  8. HaKatan, even if what you say is true, al pi teva, if the Zionist state falls there will be a holocaust in EY. That is fact. In addition even if the state is not a Jewish one, they are not guilty of what this low life says they are. In addition she would love to kill you no less than she would love to kill Netanyahu. Be careful what you say. You are endangering yidden.

  9. The city university of new York is public college.
    And she shouldn’t be allowed to spew this kind of hatred in public college.
    Citizens of new York should write letters to their public officials to put a stop to this.


  11. it seems besides this Torres fellow the other congress members who are of course our friends like YVETTE CLARKE and HAKEEM JEFFRIES are silent.

  12. chaya13 the Zionists are not what protects klal Yisroel it is the Torah learnt zechusim of Torah that protects us.

  13. I bet ywn took this out of context. Some of her best friends are colonialist Zionist swine. Like the ones who subsidized her education. She just meant she hates the *bad* colonialist Zionist swines.

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