Report: Turkey Busts Mossad Cell Working Against Iranian Targets

Illustrative. A tram is driven past as a Turkish police officer secures central Istanbul's Istiklal Avenue, the main shopping road of Istanbul. (Photo: AP)

Turkish media reports on Tuesday said that Turkish security authorities have arrested 11 members of a cell who were working for Israel’s Mossad against Iranian targets

The Turkish intelligence (MIT) suspects that the members of the cell were trained by Mossad officials and sent to the country to establish a company that would do business with Iran. It was also reported that a hunt is underway for two more wanted men.

None of those arrested are Israelis but at least one of the arrested cell members received training in Israel.

According to reports, the 15-member cell has been under surveillance by Turkish authorities for a year and a half. The members have been accused of spying on an Iranian company and 23 Turkish residents with business ties to Iran.

The leader of the cell is businessman Selçuk Küçükkaya, who met with senior Mossad officials in a European country.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. There is spying on the bomb program and it’s people or on lasers systems of army’s there is no such a thing as spying on a company it is as ridicules as saying they was spying on the beach

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