Israeli Screenwriter About Incitement Against Chareidim: “I Can’t Fall Asleep”

Israeli screenwriter Menny Assyag wrote on social media about his anger about the incitement against Chareidim in recent days.

“I can’t sleep from the anger and frustration from what is being done to our Chareidi brothers here!” he wrote. “There was never anything like this in the Jewish state! Come to your senses and immediately stop your criminal incitement!”

“We won’t allow you to trample lomdei Torah. Someone once said that restraint is koach so we’re beginning to run out of koach. You should go back to blabbering about the ‘legal coup.'”

Assyag also published a banner saying “A Chareidi is My Brother” and said he broke a 14-year record on Facebook after the post was shared 3,000 times.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Former Shabak (Israel Security Agency) chief Carmi Gillon

    “The haredi and more religious Religious Zionist politicians are the Jewish jihad, They are an absolute existential threat to the State of Israel.”
    Source Arutz7

    Here you have it
    Quote from the Devil himself who’s job is to protect ALL CITIZENS OF STATE OF ISRAEL.
    If this is his opinion then what is Mossad, Police, General Security etc who get their instructions from Schmucks like this are like?

    This is the Left who has been running the country. Worst than Nazis?
    Hail Lapid
    Hail Hertzel
    Hail Gillon
    Hail H….

  2. Public LASHON HARA & Sinas Chinam published by YWN. Tisha B’Av is nearing. Doesn’t Israel suffer enough from terrorist enemies that YWN is addicted to such diatribes against Jews. Endless Shame On this Rag! ! !

  3. Change “Chareidy” to “Jewish” and post it in the US and Europe; how would ALL those secular and Jewish organisations scream of Anti-Semitism – but in the so-called “Jewish State” it’s ok….

  4. How eloquently said. One minor error: ” There has NEVER been a Jewish State since we were exiled.”
    So it’s nice to be nice to Chareidim but they’re missing the point as Chareidim are the biggest Zionists of today. They’re all equal.
    The whoe “State” is a mess cuz G d abhors it. Its existence spites the name of everything holy.
    So the bickering will continue untill Moshiach will be revealed in our midst.
    Anyone still remmber the REAL concept that Moshiach will come and to EY will be given back to us or thats a too far cry but doesnt change the hsrd truth.

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