Why Was Shacharis In Yeshivas Mir Shortened By 10 Minutes?

Yeshivas Mir of Yerushalayim. (Photo: Shlomi Trichter)

Rosh Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Yehudah Finkel recently arranged for the yeshivah’s Shacharis minyan in the main Beis Medrash to be shortened by ten minutes.

The goal is to courage Israeli bochurim to daven in yeshivah as since the establishment of minyanim in Beis Shalom for bochurim in the “yeshivah within the yeshivah” of HaGaon HaRav Asher Arielli, the number of mispallelim at the main yeshivah minyan has decreased as many Israeli bochurim prefer to daven in nearby shteibelach.

The Rosh Yeshivah is also being mechazeik the minyan by arranging a Mishnah Berura chaburah for Israeli bochurim immediately after Shacharis for ten minutes, with the goal of one amud a day with tests and the distribution of stipends.

HaRav Finkel is shortening the tefillah by allowing only Israeli bochurim to daven from the amud except in cases of regular mispallelim having chiyuvim. Additionally, the Mi Shebareich for cholim will no longer be recited after Kriyas HaTorah and instead will be said as part of the recital of Tehillim after Shacharis.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. They can also do a “heicha kedusha”, skip tachanun on modays and thursdays for various yahrtzeitzs, mumble the words. pretty sure my shul can give them a few more tips. They can also serve kugel to encourage people to come.

  2. Anyone know what time shacharis now starts and finishes (on non-leining day)?

    (I remember hearing over 10 years ago that it took an hour and a half; that could have been with leining)

  3. Speed-davening is clearly preferable so the bochurim don’t dawdle over the words or c’v stop for a moment to ponder the deeper meaning of their tefillos.

  4. Chazal allowed for תפילת מעין שמונה עשרה (Mishne Brochos 4:3, discussed and defined in Brochos 29a). Basically, an abridged Shemoneh Esrei. There are grounds to follow this when necessary (see ביאור הלכה סימן קי דיבור המתחיל או שלא יוכל). I wonder if the words of the Biyur Halacha can be paraphrased to say, if bochurim are encouraged to daven a shorter shachris, imagine what will happen when they become baal habatim/baalei Esek ???!!!

  5. The first story I have seen in a while on Yeshiva World News that has any connection to Yeshiva World News.

  6. Refoel Moishe and Mlberg- the minyan prior to this new change ran from 7:15- 8:13 (b/w 57-58 min.) and now the R”Y’s goal is to make it 50 minutes. With leining and mishabeirachim it was maximum 1 hour 17 minutes. As far as the allowance for chiyuvim- it only means yahrtzeit’s and not aveilim and sometimes he doesn’t allow yahrtzeit’s either. Bottom line is around 15 Israeli bochurim show up and not always is there someone there on time to daven for the amud. So it’s a bit ridiculous.
    And ppl. do call it here a “yeshiva within a yeshiva”.
    Bottom line- nobody is happy.

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