Litzman to PM Netanyahu: Recognize Israel as the Jewish State

litzMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Rabbi Yaakov Litzman took part in the opposition meeting in the Negev Room of Knesset on Monday, 8 Adar II 5774. He used the opportunity to send a message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as follows: “You are calling on PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) to recognize Israel as the democratic Jewish state. I turn to you, Mr. Prime Minister. The time has come that you too recognize Israel as the Jewish democratic state. A Jewish state sends lomdei Torah to prison? A Jewish state does not harm the weaker sector and children. A Jewish state does not compromise heritage and religious values.”

“What democracy is this? A democratic state does not block an entire sector or minorities from being represented in Knesset via an abusive Governance Bill. This is an anti-democratic state and it is time to recognize Israel as a Jewish democratic state”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. 1. Asking the Palestinians to agree to recognize that Eretz Yisrael is a Jewish state is unreasonable given their behavior and culture for the last 1300 years. It might be more reasonable to ask them to agree to some arrangement whereby they are agreeing to allow Jews to live in complete autonomy, with economic and religious freedom, and security (which probably involves armed force).

    2. Asking the Zionists to agree to recognize their Medinah as a Jewish state is unreasonable as the whole idea behind zionism was to get away from Torah and Mitsvos. If their ancestors wanted something Jewish, they would have stayed hareidi (as were all the ancestors of the zionists 250 years ago). It might be more reasonable to talk them about becoming an autonomous community where they have the freedom to be frei, but they respect the rights of others to be frum.

  2. Credit Bibi for requesting the arabs to recognize the state as a jewish state, since with Bibi’s acts the jews in Eretz Hakodesh don’t recognize it anymore as a jewish state at least the arabs should.
    And don’t blame Bibi he is influenced by his dear son.

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