WATCH: Chevra Kadisha In Sderot Under Fire

The Chevra Kadisha’s work never ends and must be performed with mesiras nefesh under all circumstances.

The members of the Chevra Kadisha in Sderot held three levayos on Wednesday as hundreds of rockets rained down on the city.

The levayos were carried out in cooperation with the Sderot Religious Council, the Home Front Command, and the Sderot Municipality.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Even if they are paid – they’re still doing a great Mitzva under difficult conditions. They have the zechut to be involved in something שאין להם שיעור.

  2. Perhaps the wording of the headline might be reworked….it can be read that these individuals who have a great degree of mesiras nefesh and z’chus for their work are being criticized as compared to being literally under fire.

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