Israel: Cops Getting Tough on Mishmeret Tznius Members

mishtara1.jpgPolice in Israel appear to be running an operation to crack down on members of Mishmeres Tznius, arresting a prominent member, Elchanan Buzaglo.

Jerusalem police are targeting the heads of the organization, explaining that the Mishmeres Tznius is suspected to have played a role in a number of recent violent acts in the capital. He was apprehended pasting up wall notices (pashkavilim) when police nabbed him.

During his remand hearing in the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, the judge called the acts he is allegedly involved in “very serious”, ordering him held in detention for an additional four days as police continue building their case against him. Police also report finding his fingerprints at the site of a violent act, reporting Buzaglo and at least one other male beat a female.

Shmulik Ben-Ruby, the spokesman for Jerusalem police, confirmed Buzaglo is in custody and confirmed the reports that police are operating to apprehend the senior members of the Mishmeres Tznius.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

45 Responses

  1. One asks one’s self what type of person joins such a mishmeres or vaad, especially since the “tasks” and “duties” are more often than not a direct contradiction to the purported raison d’etre of the organization. For this reason, and numerous others, we greatly support and anticipate its emergence on the shores of the New World.

  2. Good! Let’s find all these thugs and put them in jail and throw away the key!

    They beat up women who don’t dress the way they want them too? TALIBAN!

    Arrest all these crazies. Everyone knows where they live! Go to Ramat Bet Shemsh Bet, and throw them all in jail. Better yet, put them in Gaza, as I hear there is a few houses available now.


  3. Israeli police acting again with ruthless force to supress the bacchanlian behavior of wanton females. Ths issues of negiah/geneivah are suspended when there are issues of Yehoreg Va’al Yaavor. The holy city needs to be cleansed….Especially recommended during the nine days

  4. It would be useful information to know who his rav is, and which Beis Din is supervising this “Mishmeres Tznius.” Men using force against women, or for that matter having anything to do with women, not to mention charges of taking property, make this sound very suspicious, as in a Hareidi equivalent of Robin Hood (do the crime, claim it is for a political motive, and keep the profit). Furthermore, abusive behavior should be dealt with by the Beis Din, including compensation for injuries and property claims, rather than abdicating jurisdiction to the secular state.

  5. Despicable, throw the book at this individual (there are more details on the despicable acts of this individual else ware, withheld from this blog for obvious reasons).
    I question whether these shady individuals truly feel they are carrying out the Ratzon Hashem, or if they are acting on their own weaknesses.
    Lastly, I strongly believe this is NOT what the Rabbonim at the recent Asifa in Lakewood had in mind when they discussed the potential need for a Vaad Hatznius.

  6. I have a collegue who works for a security company who grew up frum and now keeps very little at all if anything. He grew up as Arele in Bnei Brak. He had a rough period a a teenager and went out with a girl. He was caught by the vaad and was subsequently beaten up for this offence. Whilst discussing his upbringing and trials, he advised that one of the focal points was his run in with the vaad. – Obviously, offending people in there neighbood where this behaiviour is not the norm is wrong.

    Whilst I can support some of there good work, taking draconian measures is not the way forward as we can see from the above.

    Not only should they protect there hood,s they should help the people involved.

  7. “moshe mulva”
    Please do not advertise your ignorance.
    Yehoreg Val Yavor does not mean I can kill someone doing something wrong.
    Secondly, if they were sincere, they should be tring to chase these women out of the neighborhood, not pouring some bleach on them and then running away.
    Or better yet, hand out shawls or the like so they would be able to cover themselves.
    The “Vaad Hatznius”‘s ??!! actions are not sanctioned by any Rabonnim

  8. There is no question that we can all improve our Tznius. The way to do it is not by intimidating people, or hurting people. We have to work with them in a loving manner, and explain to them why and what is proper. Hooligans belong in jail.

  9. hey guys did you just forget the lakewood asifa on tznius-the issue is a major one! I for one dont believe they attack women physically for some odd reason. They are pple with yiras shamayim.

  10. How is beating them up- conducive with being shomer negiah? These people prob wouldn’t touch her if she collapsed in the street because- hey it assur, but beating her up- no problem

  11. Even if their intentions were Le’shem shomajim, their acts for sure are not. Get them out of circulation. Try to work with Ahavas Jisorel, not with violent acts.

  12. A few more comments.

    #1. He is guilty as SIN.

    #10. Beis Din can only adjudicate monetary maters, not compensation for injuries or property. Where do you live, on the moon?

    #3. I hope not. If it is, my advice to all women. GET OUT OF LAKEWOOD, NOW!!!!!

    #6 Yeharog Val Yaavor? Tznios (wearing sandals without socks) is not a punishable crime by death. Where did you grow up?

    Hashem is crying. These are Behaimos to the highest levels. They belong in a zoo! And if you support these Behaimos or their lifestyle, you are not worthy of Hashem’s mercy.

    Shame on you!

    #4 – HUH?

    To # 2,7,8,9 &11. Hashem should bless you with your full desires. We have to show the world that “Yeshivish” is not TALIBAN!


  13. Sorry Folks Had She Lived In The Beis Hamikdosh times She Would Of Gotten The Death Penalty Minimum. She Should Consider Herself Lucky.

    If All The Above Posts Disagree Lets see what u would do if she would bring some mamzeirim R”L with your son, dont be naive.

    & now look what the shilchon urech says:

    שלחן ערוך- אורח חיים סימן קכ”ט
    (ד) חייבים ב”ד להעמיד שוטרים ברגלים שיהיו משוטטים ומחפשים בגנות ובפרדסים ועל הנהרות שלא יתקבצו שם לאכול ולשתות אנשים ונשים ויבואו לידי עבירה וכן יזהירו בדבר זה לכל העם שלא יתערבו אנשים ונשים בבתיהם בשמחה ולא ימשכו ביין שמא יבואו לידי עבירה אלא יהיו כולם קדוש
    The reason it says yom tov is this is the only time that men and woman really had time off and the possibility to mingle. Today it applies to pizza shops, Hashem yerachem certain office situations, uchidomeh. Yes shulchan aruch requires us to have tznius police to protect us against the type of people that think certain parts of shulchan aruch don’t apply any more.

  14. If there is any truth to these allegations, we have on our hands thugs that are not only terrorizing women, but defaming our Torah. They can make it impossible to teach our daughters about real Tznius.

  15. When i hear that American Kollel wives had thier clothes “brushed” with bleach (FIRST HAND REPORT), any credibility this group might have had is gone.

  16. quite horrific if i may say
    but this man is self damaging!!
    how do ppl have the guts to roidef others?!
    really it takes massive guts

  17. The men on the Mishmeres Tznius who hurt or intimidate people remind me of the thugs throughout history who tortured and maimed for the sake of religion. How anyone can condone their actions is beyond me. The community should recognize them as the sadists they are and condemn them.

  18. I just want to make everyone aware of a report that I read a couple of weeks ago in the Yated Ne’eman. The Toldos Aharon Rebbe spoke to the Oilam and stated that kano’us for the sake of just being a kanai is wrong. These people are just kanaim for the sake of being a kanai vs. trying to strengthen people in the Shmiras Ha’Mitzvos.


  20. let this guy sit for a while in a quiet cell where there is no violence, where its only him and his creator, until he understands that yiddiskeit is not a violent religion.

  21. To Proud Jew,
    Of course in time of the bais hamikdash she wouldn’t have gotten killed, but you would have.
    You were just megaleh panim b’torah sheloh k’halacha. You actually need to do the aveirah (zenus) before they can punish you. BTW, I’m pretty sure that the din of shotrim only applies to the bais din godol that used to sit in the bais hamikdash, not to any bais din. So anybody even bais din who make shotrim nowadays are reshayim!

  22. to # 5,9 & 11
    [… rot in jail..]
    lets assume this man is guilty –
    then there are halachos about how/when to punish him.
    Ur/our rage is understandable but ur rage doesnt dictate halacha.

    frum jews who openly call for punishments that are not alpi psak halacha is by no means a kiddush hashem & shound not be taken seriously by any jew or nonjew.

  23. # 21 your comment is A1 Only people who live in EY can know what gr8 work these people do are their acts always 100% I am not going to comment on but I will say I live in an area where they have doen gr8 work ( without bashing up) but with out them I am scared to think what this are and others may look like. THey sould carry on their gr8 work in a torahdik fashion

  24. to #20 who said “Beis Din can only adjudicate monetary maters, not compensation for injuries or property. Where do you live, on the moon?”

    I am referring to a Beis Din according to halacha, not according to the Israeli/Zionist law. To a certain extent, non-governmental (independent of the state) Beitei Din in Israel, and Beitei Din in other countries are free to act in all matters and often do depending on the support they receive from their community.

  25. #36. There is no Beit Din in all of Eretz Yisrael that is free to act in all matters. All Batei Dinim that have the authority to adjudicate and award money is only in monetary matters. They have no right, or power to award money for injuries or properry. Dina D’malchusei Dinah in Eretz Yisroel, you have to go to court for this type of award.

    Now you know!

    Therefore this type of abusive behavior, and believe me he and others are as a matter of fact guilty, (innocent until proven guilty is only in USA), can not possibly be dealt with by a Beis Din (other than puting him in Cheirim, Big Deal!)

  26. yissi —

    Why not learn some Torah before blabbering what you don’t know?

    yissi says: “innocent until proven guilty is only in USA”

    Actually innocent until proven guilty is FROM THE TORAH.

  27. to #20 we like your direct line to hashem. we have a few requests to make but not b’rabin where we can send a ‘kvitel’?

  28. 21; death penalty minimum? and what’s the maximum. ( Or perhaps you wrote without thinking.)
    Secondly, another mistake; whenever B”D deems it necessary to execute, BOTH get executed, and if she is not married they are still both equally guilty of “kadaicha”
    Don’t be so angry.

  29. They shoud have had someone taking care of the tznius in israel a long time ago..who cares about the secular poison the west keeps brainwashing you with – honestly, what’s wrng with making women dress tznius in a jewish neighborhood? maybe thety want to uard their eyes, unlike certain people who call themselves frum in america who dont care about looking at naked women in the streets, and then go calling ehrliche yidden ‘taliban’, since their association with islam makes them assume that looking at women or dressing that way is somehow less severe, or not an aveirah that makes one not get out of gehinnom, as the gemora says beferush.

    forget israeli/american/western philosophy – pritzus is poisonous. The charedim realize this since they dont have the gashmiusdige lenses you have in front of your eyes – kapdonus has its place in torah, look at pinchos!

    Being violent is another story, which there’s no proof of, only a statement made by a chiloni goon cop.

    All I’m seeing here is a grup of yidden who want to increase tznius, and who are aware of the fact that israeli chilonos are prutzos who dont care about what the torah has to say about modesty or the fact that they are destroying jewish men’s lives/neshomos/marriages, etc..

    There is a time to take matters into your own hands, even if it is not in consistency with the materialistic ideals of israel or any other democracy. If throwing bleach on a half-naked woman will make her cover up, I see little wrong with any other sane society, if a woman dressed the way that is accepted in america is normal, they would have sacks thrown on them and would be thrown out of town – kiruv is wonderful, but there is a danger here – we cant risk losing more yiddishe neshomnos to the zionist monster, or the american cultural menace

  30. #38. I will show you my Semicha, so you show me some Derech Eretz. Dinah D’malschusa Dina. In Eretz Yisroel, the law is not innocent until proven guilty. This is ony in the USA. The immoral act happened in Eretz Yisroel, and unfortunately the Torah law is not the law of the land (although you are right, that it should be). The law of the land is the law, the courts (not Beis Din) uphold the law, and the police enforce the law, and people (includiding so called Tznius squads) must abide by it. They caught him, Praise Hashem, and the evidence is crystal clear. He is being held dor 4 more days, as the case against him grows, and they find the rest of his clan. (Boruch Hashem they took a sicko off the Streets!)He will never again see the light of day!

    #39 – YWN has my e-mail address. I go to the Kotel once a week, so please send me your Kvitel.
    I am allowed to give anyone I want a bracha, and so are you. I bless my children every Friday night beofre Kiddush, don’t you? You also have a direct line to Hashem. I suggest you use it.

  31. yissi –

    The Ran in Nedarim writes his famous shitah, that since all Jews are entitled to live in Israel, there is no dina dmalchusa dina there. This is aside from the fact that the zionist government is illegitimate.

    YOU as a YID have an obligation to provide another YID the benefitof the doubt, and assume he is innocent until proven guilty in a beis din. Your boneheaded statement that “innocent until proven guilty is only in USA” is a lie.

  32. “Derech Eretz kadmah leTorah 26 generations”
    There had to be 26 generations of civilization before there could be Torah and Torah based kedushah (holiness). Wild thuggery (regardless of the excuse) is a breakdown of basic civilization. We first need to ensure basic civilization, and only then concern ourselves with Torah based kedushah of which Tznius is a part.

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