REMEMBERING: Boyaoner Rebbe Begins Lag Baomer With Lighting 45 Candles On Rooftop of Kever RASHBI

The Boyaner Rebbe lit 45 Yartzheit Candles as Lag Baomer started, remembering the 45 Kedoshim of Meron, as we mark the second Yartzheit.

Askan R’ Avrohom Yaakov (Abe) Friedman is seen lighting the candle which the Boyaner rebbe used to light the 45 Yartzheit candles.

(Photos via Eli Segal)

4 Responses

  1. Let’s not forget two of the living victims from that tragedy. Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal (Reit) and Elozor ben Re’uma (Berger)

  2. Let鈥檚 not forget two of the living victims from that tragedy. Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal (Reit), then a 15-year-old bochur, and Elozor ben Re鈥檜ma (Berger), whose bar mitzva was “celebrated” in the hospital, are still in very serious condition.

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