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Thousands of people are already in Meron on Monday Erev Lag B’Omer and tens of thousands are making their way to the site from all over Eretz Yisrael, as Jews prepare to celebrate Lag B’Omer two years after the tragic Meron disaster.

Unlike last year, when the Boyaner Rebbe was the only one permitted to carry out a hadlakah, this year, the new outline implemented by Jerusalem Minister Meir Porush and project manager Yossi Deitsch allows for 30 hadlakos over Lag B’Omer in the new expanded Hillula Complex (Complex 89).

Like every year, the Hillulas HaRashbi will begin at 8:30 p.m. with the hadlakah of the Boyaner Rebbe, the only one who is permitted to hold an hadlakah on the roof of the tizon, in accordance with the recommendations of the state commission of inquiry into the Meron disaster.

This year, the number of people allowed at the site at one time is about 50,000, more than double the amount allowed last year thanks to the expansion of the site. Visitors will be allowed to stay on Har Meron for up to five hours.

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Thousands join Reb Meilich Biederman at his Hadlakah in Meron

The operation providing medical security for the tens of thousands of Yidden who are taking part in the Lag BaOmer festivities in Meron, is currently underway. Hundreds of United Hatzalah volunteers from around the country are operating in shifts around the clock. As of now, no major incidents have been reported.

United Hatzalah spokesperson Raphael Poch said: “Until now, our teams have treated a number of people for minor injuries, weakness and contusions. The operation will continue until the end of Lag BaOmer tomorrow night.”

Thousands break out in singing and dancing!

The Boyaoner Rebbe lighting the main Medurah at Kever RASHBI

Askan R’ Avrohom Yaakov (Abe) Friedman is seen lighting the candle which the Boyaner rebbe used to light the 45 Yartzheit candles, remembering the 45 Kedoshim of Meron, prior to the lighting of the Medurah.

The Boyanor Rebbe has arrived in Meron

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. BTW this has nothing to do with Litvak or chasid. This is a age old minhag from Eretz Yisroel (yes, even the litvaks that came to Tiveria celebrated Lag Beomer). The chasidim that were into it (karlin, Rizhin etc) were the chasidim that had kehilos in EY. Do the research.

  2. The Frumguy –
    1) As the minhag dates back to the AriZal and the Beis Yosef, it would seem to not be related to Chasiddus.
    2) The Nefesh HaChaim – probably the most famous talmid of the Vilna Gaon, wrote extensively on many parts of the Zohar. The Vilna Gaon himself wrote on the Safra di’Tzneiusa.
    3) HaRav Shlomo Carlebach z”l, the late Mashgiach Ruchani of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, kept extensive notes on the above Sefer and commentary of the Vilna Gaon from the seder he had with HaRav HaGaon Rav Yitzchok Hutner zt”l (a Slabodka / Chevron Talmid).

    So I am really not sure I understand why we need to make this into a Litvish / Chasiddis thing, especially in the days of Sefira when we are supposed to be working on developing a proper appreciation for our chaveirim.

  3. Reb Shimon is wasnt chasidish nor Litvish.
    Its the mystical nature of the holy Tanah that moves mountains. Just the songs amd its holy words. Not the Rebbes dancing.

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